When you have ADHD in your relationship it’s a great thing to be able to LAUGH! And exactly that’s what a number of non-ADHD spouses say they love about their ADHD partner. Here are some examples:
“What do I love about my ADHD spouse? Almost everything. He has the best sense of humor; he makes me laugh out loud more than anyone I've ever known. He is incredibly tender with our daughters and has tea with them and pretends to be their student in their play school; he has endless patience for them and their questions. He is a true intellectual partner to me, and I treasure that - I see in him a real companion with whom I could grow old, if he has his ADHD under control.”
“I love my husband’s quirky sense of humor…I tend to take life a little “too” seriously sometimes, and I need his sense of the ridiculous to keep me on an even keel. But mostly I love that he is not boring…My husband is still interesting to me after 35 years of marriage…”
“I love my husband’s sense of humor. It balances me out. I never have to ask for a cuddle, he is a very affectionate man.”
“The most wonderful, important thing about my husband (and it always has been) is his offbeat sense of humor. I grew up in a somewhat unusual family, where my father and brother (both quick-witted Mensa-types) effectively played what could be called "Xtreme Punning" whenever they were together, so I was brought up with a lot of very weird humor. My husband is the only other man I've ever met who "got" their humor, could join in with them sometimes, and could joke with me on the same kind of basis (although at my speed, which is a bit slower than my dad and bro, thank goodness!). He also loves to tell "shaggy dog" stories (so much that he mostly remembers how they go, even when they are really convoluted). When we were newly married and abysmally poor, we could make our own entertainment, and what a great way for our kids to learn vocabulary! Humor has played a huge role in keeping us together.
I really don't know whether his humor is related to his ADHD or not -- his ADHD dad and brother enjoy puns but just don't quite have his facility with them -- they come up with stuff that's amusing, but nothing that makes me want to shout with laughter the way my hubby does. I think maybe his sense of humor is uniquely his own -- but I also suspect the ADHD helps him see humor where others don't.”
“My DH is beyond funny, I can't tell you how many times I've laughed until my body and face ached. The times I've laughed the hardest, it wasn't even his intention to be funny. (I don't know if this is just him, or ADD has a part. All I know is this happens A LOT).”
I hope that reading these quotes just makes you smile, as they do me.
- MelissaOrlov's blog
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I often get told that I have
I often get told that I have a little boy's sense of humor and looked at funny. I guess women aren't supposed to laugh at fart jokes and stuff. I wish people would get a life and stop deciding what I should or should not find funny.
If you lose your sense of humor,
Then you are in Real Trouble, I always say. Don't let people with No sense of humor tell you what's funny :) I get "The Look", from my DW enough and it really kills the moment. As if there are not enough things to feel bad about already. I try to keep myself toned down, except around my closest core group where I should be able to not feel judged, or have to worry about crossing the Humor Line. So... I have to watch South Park by myself, oh well... I am not embarrassed about liking the vulgar humor :) Of course I don't let the kids watch the show...
Don't change your sense of humor, it's yours!
I love a good fart joke...and
I love a good fart joke...and will LOL at any fart in any movie..pretty much! I love South Park and other 'crude' humorous shows...but don't watch them often. Not a big TV fan.
I LOVE to laugh. I tend to seek out people who I know will make me laugh. My DH used to be included in that list, but his sense of humor is lost right now.
Great minds think alike ;)
That's awesome Sherri! A good laugh does wonders , especially when you are down.i guess humor can go to either of the couple dealing with the ADD.
Extreme Punning!!!