It may well be that anger management in marriages where one or both spouses has ADHD is THE critical issue that determines whether or not a couple can be happy together. Anger can develop in both partners, though it often manifests itself differently in the two. This is a topic that is so large that it needs to be addressed in many different ways, but let me start here with an example of a couple I've written about before, whom I'm calling Anne and Tom. In this couple, Tom has ADHD and had, for many years, an issue with sudden flashes of anger. His wife, Anne, who does not have ADHD is generally an optimistic person, however dealing with the surprises she found in her ADHD marriage wore her down to the point where she was diagnosed with, and treated for, depression. Both spouses were angry at each other, and themselves.
Frequent bursts of anger and resentment, such as what Doris mentions in her comment, are common. In Tom's case, he would go along for a while, with the anger mounting, until suddenly he was yelling, stomping his feet, and making threats. Anne never knew when Tom's anger would erupt - it seemed to come at unpredictable times, and there was little warning.
Anne, in turn, resented what she felt was Tom's unfair treatment of her. She didn't feel she deserved to be yelled at or belittled, particularly since what ususally brought on their arguments was something that Tom had forgotten to do. As her resentment of his behavior increased, her anger increased. They ended up in a downward spiral. At one point in their relationship, they were unable to talk to each other about anything without anger or resentment being part of the conversation.
Author Steven Stosny write beautifully about resentment in his book, "You Don't Have to Take it Anymore (link is external)":
"If you suffer from resentment or live with a resentful (person), you will one day have an unhappy marriage, if you do not already...If your partner is resentful, he will almost certainly have occasional angry outbursts and, sooner or later, engage in some form of emotional abuse...While it's true that not every resentful person becomes angry, emotionally abusive, or violent, it's also true that every angry, abusive and violent person started out with resentment."
"You Don't Have to Take it Anymore" deals with the intricacies of how resentment works in your brain (it's different from anger, for example), how difficult being in a "walking on eggshells" relationship can be, and what you can do about it. In it's conceptual content, it's a very helpful read for those who despair of ever figuring out how to manage anger and resentment in their relationship (a note here - read it with an eye for what's relevant for your specific situation).
Of real importance for a discussion about anger in ADHD relationships, though, is this comment from the same book:
"Resentful behavior is certainly different from abusiveness, and both differ from being just angry. You can definitely have one or two of these three demons without the others. But the deeper, unconscious motivation of all three emotional states is to devalue - to lower the value of the other person, either by dismissing, avoiding, or attacking. And the devaluer does this even though he may still love his wife. Examples of devaluing behavior are stonewalling, criticizing, belittling, and implying superiority. And devaluing can be implied by tone even when the words seem to be positive. You can say, "I love you," for instance, with an inflection that implies that, "You're not worthy of the love I'm giving you." Devaluing behavior can often be barely perceptible in the tone of a voice, or a closed-off body posture or facial expression, or a silent disregard.
Not surprisingly, all three demons - resentment, anger, and abuse - damage the bonds of love in the same way, for all three feel like betrayal. All are a betrayal of the implicit promise your loved one made you when you formed your emotional bonds. You both agreed to care about how each other feels, especially when one of you feels bad."
One of the key reasons that couples need to deal with ADHD as part of their relationships is that they need to change unconscious motivation and behavior into conscious motivation. That is to say, that instead of having day after day of highly unconsciously charged interactions, they need to move their conversations and relationships to a more "transparent" realm.
To do this, both partners need to first acknowledge that ADHD can play a role in how they interact with each other and in their building resentment and anger. They also need to acknowledge that it is very likely that they both are behaving in ways that are not desirable because of responses they both have to the ADHD.
Tom and Anne spent many YEARS struggling with his and her unconscious responses to resentment. Anne belittled Tom and attacked him for not being able to help out around the house (see ADHD and Household Chores) while Tom "fought back" by being unresponsive to any requests she made of him and telling her that her opinions were not valid. He would not have said he was "fighting back", but he hurt her, none-the-less, by ignoring her and letting her know that he didn't respect her.
This sounds as if it is an unsolvable problem, but it is not. Once Anne and Tom were able to step back, admit that ADHD was playing a role, and that their responses to each other were unconsciously motivated by resentment and anger, then they discovered the REAL demon they were dealing with was manageable. They weren't inherently bad or flawed people - they were just angry and resentful people. They decided they didn't need new spouses - they needed to diminish and manage their anger through conscious effort.
Think about your own relationship. Do you find that episodes of anger creep more frequently into your conversations? Don't worry about who should get blamed for this - trust that in all likelihood both partners contribute in some part to how you interact. Now, if you are really honest with yourself, can you see how resentment might affect how you relate to each other? Reread Stosny's description of devaluing behavior. Does that sound familiar?
If so, then you are joined by many, many couples who struggle with these same issues. Are you at a point where you could talk about these concepts? If so, remember that it is REALLY important to not point blame in the direction of the ADHD spouse. The objective is NOT to assign blame. The objective is to get both partners into a position where they can both recognize that neither one of them is perfect and that by identifying the unconscious they can start to deal with it. Sit down and talk with your spouse about wanting to do this - use Stosny's description, or this blog, or your own situation at home as reason why you want the two of you to work on this. Point out that there is quite a bit to be gained by both parties if you can relearn how to treat each other with respect.
If you get agreement, next time you feel belittled by your spouse's behavior, take note of it. (If you don't, then try approaching the same issue at another time, or with professional assistance.) Consider very politely saying something like "That doesn't make me feel good - your ignoring my request makes me feel insignificant." Invite your spouse to verbalize - in a nice way - those moments when he feels belittled, nagged or attacked. Then, lead by example. Acknowledge his feelings and do something to respond/change your approach.
Melissa Orlov
- MelissaOrlov's blog
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this is 100%
Coming into 8 months of marraige and this website is NAILING everything I have been feeling since the end of our one day honeymoon - because, apparently due to a misunderstanding, he organised one day off of work to spend on our quick honeymoon....
Red flags just popping up everywhere, I address the issues, he agrees to something, never follows through then keeps telling me he has NO idea why I am so angry and resentful towards him. It doesnt help that I brought children with me into the relationship, and soon after we got married one was diagnosed with Autism and severe ADHD and he is like sandpaper for her.
I have considered sending her to her dads full time recenetly, with my bub #5 due in a few months, his first, and his and her relationship his attitude and being a first time dad and that overbearing protection for HIS daughter will likely result in my special needs child getting injured and blamed a LOT. I know if i was to send her to her dads, her dad would be very unwilling to compromise time with me after that, and making that choice will just lead me to resent hubby more so... than the daily impact his attitude towards her is having, while favoring my son in front of both of us, we can both see the favoritism but not him...
I am so at my wits end. He is still claiming he has no idea why or what the problem is. We dont share the bedroom anymore because he wont change his personal hygenie habits to make me feel comfortable in bed - I got sick of waking up in what smells like a teenage boys bedroom about 2 months into marragie and now sleep in my own room alone where the air is clean. We no longer can communicate because I am so sick of repeating myself, as if having 4 kids - 2 of which have additional needs isnt enough - for him to go from that super and ACTUALLY supportive boyfriend to this stinky, closed off husband and claims I am doing it all and just being a grumpy cow because I choose to be.... I am seriously brinkering on divorce and he is clueless. Dropped my love language of touch from the get go he did, but acts of service all day every day suits him just fine and so if i participate he thinks lifes just dandy while i remain miserable and busting my guts to advocate for my kids - I literaly dont have the energy to have taken someone like him on where he just dropped the ball game so badly and then blames me for it. If I had realised this, I would have stayed single honestly.
I need a partner, not another child. Now coming into this marraige not only have I literally been making another child, but also raising him also. Feels like 6 oblivious kids to 1 adult. It really feels shocking, heartbreaking, lonely, disappointing, defeated... I am wondering if i should even bother trying any longer, accept my fate of this is how i am always just going to feel forever (hello depresssssion!!) or start looking into divorce, already, 8 months into marraige.
I feel so lost, lonely and overwhelmed by the situation. I really dont know where to turn. He blames pregnancy hormones and because I tend to carry babies well and dont look 8 months pregnant, then I must not be spending much energy entirely growing and developing his child. No appreciation for it even though hes wanted a child his entire life.
I literally cant handle this much longer with him in tow.
re: Anger and Resentment Key Issue in ADHD Marriages
re: Anger and Resentment Key Issue in ADHD Marriages
re: Anger and Resentment Key Issue in ADHD Marriages
re: Anger and Resentment Key Issue in ADHD Marriages
re: Anger and Resentment Key Issue in ADHD Marriages
re: Anger and Resentment Key Issue in ADHD Marriages
re: Anger and Resentment Key Issue in ADHD Marriages
re: Anger and Resentment Key Issue in ADHD Marriages