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Just Realized Husband Has ADHD - After 26 Years Of Marriage

I'm kind of in shock right now.  Not sure what to think or do.  My husband and I have always loved each other very much.  That has never changed.  However, there have been problems.  Most of which I have received the blame for.  And I'm not here to say that nothing is my fault.  I came into this marriage with some issues from the past, but my husband has conveniently pointed to them in order to justify his own behavior.

I created this mess. Now you clean it up.

Our son, 15, can be quite difficult.  He wanted to go over a friend's house and play videogames after school today BUT he has not caught up on school work and cleaned his room.  He also stayed up late.  My wife got into an argument with him about it this morning.  (He claims he is going to support his friend's father, who will commit suicide if he does not go.)  At one point, my wife says he hurt her by grabbing her wrist.  I did not see what happened.

Attention willy nilly

What I just wrote to Ambre, has me pondering something that is bothering me.  While H does not seem to care about me or our marriage or the state of the family or responsibility or his own integrity, he has been very attentive to one of our granddaughters, Age 11.  She is quite beautiful and innocent.  H follows her around like a lovesick adolescent, with eyes sparkling and a big dreamy grin on his face.

Confused about happiness in relationship

I've been with my wife for almost ten years.  She was diagnosed with ADHD during the first few years of our relationship.  It's been difficult, but we both got counseling, education and she's done a lot to help herself, meds, reading, apps etc.

Fast forward to today.  I love my wife, but am not sure that's enough.  I still feel at times unfulfilled.  She uses tools to remind herself to show affection, routines and lists to make sure she attends to responsibilities...

Why It Seems like the ADHD Partner Can Get Away with Everything

My ADHD husband started seeing an ADHD coach.  I was soon invited to a session.  She holds us both accountable and is open to me emailing her my concerns in between sessions.  I am grateful for her because she is in our corner.  It is obvious.  However, the message that has been communicated to me has been "don't be that way".  "That way" being like "the sky is falling" way.  This diagnosis is new but the effects have darkened our marriage for nine years.

Feeling hopeless and lost

My husband has ADD, I do not.  With treatment and using reminders, the day-to-day has gotten significantly better. However, the long-term responsibilities are totally beyond him.  After doing the couple's seminar last year, I have made the conscious decision to take a step back and allow him to do what he says he is going to do.  This has mostly failed miserably and is making me feel completely helpless and hopeless. 

Desperately seeking better, before my life explodes.

I've allowed my marriage to get broken. My wife is so upset. Angry, disappointed, and sad. I'm disappointed and ashamed of myself. She feels I don't see her, don't value her, that she has no form or role in our life. I can see how she feels this way and when I tell her that I care and love her – which I desperately do – I know it sounds empty because my behaviors don't add up to my words. After 21 years we are potentially coming to an end which would probably crush me and be horrible for all of us, forever.

34 Years And I’m At The End; Death Sounds Better

Our 34th Wedding Anniversary is coming up in a week. We have a total of six (now adult) children. Three of them are our birth children together. Two of those were diagnosed with ADHD before age four. I already had two children from another birth father. Neither had any signs of ADHD. New husband in 1984, new DNA, and three birth children with him. Never having heard of ADHD I could not understand why I was unable to meet my children’s needs. I could not understand why my new husband had suddenly dropped his interest and attention for me. He had been SO attentive to my every need.
