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23 years, do I give up?

How do you know when it's time to wave goodbye?

How do you know when it's time to say, I will no longer pick up the emotional, financial, and relational pieces?

23 years of this is so stressful, his unemployment over the last 8 years is the most frustrating thing I have ever lived with. Thank God the good Lord has blessed me with a way to provide, but the difficulty of having to be  provider, mom, homework helper, encourager of the girls (now 17 and 20), mender of the sharp tongue that indiscriminately and impulsively lashes out is overwhelming.

Go ahead tell me "I told you so"

Ok go ahead and tell me "I told ya so", I deserve it for being so damn gullible and stupid!!!  Well DH never went to the doctor yesterday, told me that I married him the way he is and he will never take pills again.  I tried to reason with him (I know big mistake) and he told me he was giving up school, his internship and me, because he cant stand me anymore.  He called everyone he could but no one had the money to come and get his ass and take him to his mom's (3 hours away).  That was yesterday morning, last night when we were calmer I tried to talk to him about the fact he keeps threaten

A question resulting from reading Melissa's book


I am part-way through reading Melissa's book The ADHD effect on marriage - it is very good and just just bought my husband and his (|Dutch) counsellor a copy each. Are there any plans for it to be translated into Dutch?


However on page 192 about boundaries -   she talks about "BS" monitors, it's lost me completely - anyone know what this refers to?


Thanks alot,




I can't stand him without his meds! Do I really love him?

DH did not take his meds yesterday. He's out of his Concerta and he didn't take his anti-depressant either. He pooped out in the middle of a project, leaving an even bigger mess, complained of headaches and not feeling well, laid down for an hour at 5 pm, moaned and kicked me all night, had bad dreams, and wouldn't go to church this morning (and he's in the choir!). Needless to say, I'm not too fond of him right now.


So frustrated with my counselor right now...thinking it really isn't gonna work out and that I need to find another one, AGAIN!!!  OMG, yesterday was my second appointment and it didn't go well.  I was very upfront with him during the first appointment that I was NOT looking for a divorce and that I wanted to work on my reactions to my husband and strategies to deal with his ADHD.  And once again the counselor (number 3) is only concerned with what my "exit" plan is.....I DON"T WANT AN EXIT PLAN!  He feels that because my husband will not come to counseling with me and that the issues have

Need Help Getting Right Diagnosis

I am a 37 year old married male with no children.  I was diagnosed with bipolar type II two years ago and with inattentive type ADHD four months ago.  A psychiatrist diagnosed me with the BPII, and an LPCC who specializes in diagnostic testing diagnosed the ADHD (she calls it attention superior disorder, though I am not sure what that is).  The LPCC does not believe that I have BP; my psychiatrist, after reading the LPCC’s assessment, thinks that I have both conditions; and my own individual therapist believes I have BP, but that I am in denial about its impact on me, and that, if I do have
