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When to end the marraige if ADHDer won't get help

I am new to this site and feel like I just found the world's most perfect support group.  I have never even blogged or chatted before, but I am desperate.  14 years together, my ADHD husband has a good, kind heart, and we still love each other, but it has just become too much.  His denial would probably be the worst part.  Every single thing I have read on here hits home.  Horrible money problems, career problems, personal relationships, self-confidence problems, defensiveness to the point of horrible (impulsive) anger, withdrawal,- then on my part, playing the "mother" role, criticizing, d

Blame Game

Would someone please explain the blame game and what's behind it.  We are trying to work through things one piece at a time but I still don't get what's going through his head when he blames me for things that defy logic or reality.  It's like he re-creates history and actually believes it.  I don't understand the need for it and I don't understand if in his mind he truly believes the new improved version.  A friend's ADD daughter does the same thing and sometimes just makes her mother's jaw drop it's so incredulous.

Found it!!!

Ok, so I was cleaning out a closet today and found a box that I thought was full of my husband's books... but they were MY books!  hurrah!!

I bought Sari Solden's 'Women with ADHD' 5 years ago and STILL have not read it.  ok... now I'm going to try again.  but maybe tomorrow, since right now my meds have worn off and I don't think I could read/understand a Cheerios box.

baby steps & taking comfort in tiny victories today....

Stopping time strategies


I'm the non-ADHD spouse and my husband was diagnosed about 3 yrs ago.  He has gone through phases of being great about being willing to work on adhd issues/develop systems that help him alternating with periods where it seems as if he has forgotten that the ADHD is even there, and resents it being brought up by me.  He is on medications, but likely not the optimal regimen for him as he doesn't seem to get much effect from it (he's working on this with his doctor).

It maybe too late for me..

Hi I am new to this forum. I was in a relationship with my boyfriend for a year and a half and he has ADHD. We have been broken up for almost two months and its been the hardest two months of my life. I thought I was doing the right thing by agreeing to take a break from our relationship. But feel like that was the worst decision I could have ever made. I still Love everything about him but it was very hard because I didn't really understand what he was going through having ADHD. I thought he was just making excuses about not wanting to do anything with me and the girls.

Fish Oil

I understand that fish oil is beneficial to someone with ADHD, is it the fish oil itself or the Omega 3 thats in it?  The problem is that my husband will NOT take fish oil, as it leaves a bad aftertaste (his words), we have tried 4 or 5 different kinds.  I know I could get him to take flaxseed oil (high in Omega 3) if it was for the Omega 3.  Can anyone help he out here?  Thank you in advance!

If It Really Matters To You - Tell Us

Don't hint, don't beat around the bush.  We might be too distracted to read between the lines.    Yes those weeds are ugly, yes that paperwork needs doing... what, you meant you wanted me to do it?

Just tell us.  If it seems like we don't get it, we don't.  You can say it should've been obvious.  Maybe it would be to a normal person.  But what do either of us get out of that?  Do you want me to feel like an idiot for not seeing the obvious...

New and at a loss

Hi!  Like the subject says, I'm new to this board, and currently at a loss for what to do in my marriage.  My husband was diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago and is on meds.  We've been married for 3.5 years now, and he's been on medication the entire time, for a variety of things (depression, ED, now ADHD).  I'm in the military and am currently wrapping up my second deployment.  The first one went horribly - he didn't have a job where we lived, had no friends, stopped going to church, and basically withdrew from the world and spent every waking moment on a computer game.  He came very clo
