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Sometimes I Think I'm Just Fooling Myself

I have read the ADHD & Marriage book many times and tried to work through it and read through posts, etc. on this forum many times and tried to make sense of it all. But sometimes I think I'm just fooling myself. Sometimes I think that there are people with ADHD who do the work and take the medication and are able to have good relationships, even if it is a struggle for them. And then there's me, and really all of us stuck on this forum. And what I mean is that, I'm not married to someone whose problem is ADHD. I am married to someone who has ADHD.

Knowing I'm not alone, this is real

I did a search on ADHD and marriage and found this site.  Reading this I was brought to tears (Not too hard lately) I read about non-adhd spouses, they were pretty much saying exactly how I feel.  I can see exactly how he is in the explanation of how the ADHD spouse feels and thinks too.

I have been married 44 yrs to someone who has gotten progressively worse and worse.  He hasn’t gotten professionally diagnosed as of yet although he fits every single criteria to the “T”. 

Dilemma in Separation

I don’t normal post to boards but I feel that I have no where to turn to. So, about a year ago I kicked my husband out of our house due to his anger issues, even though we had just started couples counseling, at the time I was upset and didn’t know what I was doing and just acting on pure emotion and adrenaline, we are both in our early 50's.

ADHD Parenting by Pooch Cafe v  

Chaz:  You got into the garbage AGAIN?

Poncho:  It's not my fault.  There wree cheese wrappers in there.

Chaz:  I'm so tired of having to scold you over and over!

Poncho:  IIt's no picinic for me to have to keep listening to it!

Chaz:  Well, I am just using a pre-recorded message!

Poncho:  Well, I'm just using ear plugs!

Recording:  Bad dog you are for making a mess all over the--

a sad anniversary

Next week, it will be 10 years since my then-husband was fired from what had been only his second long-term (defined as lasting more than 2 years) job of his life.  The job loss and resulting financial difficulties were very stressful, especially because he was fired from his other long-term job about 12 years earlier and then was unemployed, by choice, for about 6 years.

Just thankful for this site and all of you

I keep having the urge to make a post here. But I can’t form the words to make a post of any real point, because it isn’t any one thing right now. It’s all of it, all of my cumulative years with him.

And I’m thankful that when I can’t put a post into words of any real substance, you will all understand anyway.  Thanks for being here, everyone. 

Progress update

In my last post on here in February I was desperately unhappy. My husband had just been diagnosed with ADHD and I felt the future was bleak. He was put on adderall the day of the diagnosis and after a month on that I was on the brink of divorcing him. He became much more focused at work but very, VERY unpleasant at home when it was wearing off. He was just mean and nasty whereas he never really was before (just hapless and clueless but mostly good natured - a bit like an accident prone labrador puppy). He switched to Ritalin and things have been better.

Non-ADHD partners with anxiety or depression, please advise. Thank you!

I feel like I'm getting closer to a crossroads.  I've been toiling for years (yes, YEARS) to improve my ADHD symptoms.  I feel fortunate to have good health insurance that not only pays for medication, but also alternative treatment via a Naturopath, as well as for therapy.  Therapy and meditation have really brought me to the next level.  And scarily, it is at this level that I have realized that this marriage is not all about what I have to do to improve, and now I am learning to set boundaries and express my wishes to a spouse who has had his foot out the door for years. 
