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What do you do when ADD is in denial about ADD, unhappy, and taking it all out on spouse?

I've been reading posts on this site for a few days now and it's been so helpful seeing I'm not alone in what I'm dealing with... but I'm completely at a sticking point right now.

What do you do when your spouse denies that ADD is even real, let alone that he fits the description to a t?

I no longer think my husband has ADD/ADHD. I think it is Aspergers.

There can be many parallels but I know that what's going on is not explained enough by ADD/ADHD. I have for some time believed that my mother has Aspergers; I am told this makes me 'Aspie friendly'. I must have signed up for this unconsciously...Now I think it is all over - the relationship - at my instigation, but it's still important to find the right framework in which he/we/our family can view this. I have been told that it's very important to find specialists who have particular experience with Asperger's (just as it is with ADD/ADHD).

How can I help create a stable life for us?

Hello, just wondered if anyone here could help me please?  I'm currently in the process of becoming fully self employed.  I have dyspraxia and probable adhd although it's yet to be confirmed,  in this country it can take over a year to get a diagnosis.  I want my boyfriend to fully understand the extent of my difficulties but it would take for him to live with me to fully understand their impact.

talking about feelings

Hi.  I really need some help understanding something or dealing with it, at least.  My husband regularly tells me, when we're having serious conversations about our marriage, that his anxiety is a hindrance to him with dealing with things.  Let me emphasize "regularly."  I acknowledge this, I stay engaged, I don't react defensively. 


Every time my husband and I decide to go out dancing I get scared! So scared that who is he going to stare down next? what is it with men any ways, we  have a great sex life, we are into each other like there is no tomorrow, and I know that things are tough with us lately dealing with his ADHD problems, but at the same time where is the respect in our marriage..I don't mind if he takes a look sometimes but not so constant all the time..I sometime wonder if he is passing time with me till he finds someone else or if I am with a womanizer?

Presciber won't give my husband ADHD meds, now what???

My husband it certainly depressed. I was the first one to see that and force him to get treatment. Then his therapist and I agreed that he has pretty severe ADHD and he got treatment for that. Then he was able to work and we had 3 years where he had a stable job and insurance.

He lost that job in May and has not tried to work since (i.e. not applied for jobs). He sits around all day watching tv. I work from home, so I am acutely aware he is making no contributions to the running of our household. I have to beg for hours for him to do even a minor task like washing the dishes.

Will not take meds anymore

My husband and I have been married for 7 years, together for 11. We've known about his ADHD since he was 25 (he's 31 now). We've had our share of rough times and things are better than they were (No longer considering divorce) and we love each other very much but I know that there are parts of our relationship that are out of control. I know that because of the ADHD some issues are just 'time bombs' waiting to go off and send us back to that place where we can't stand each other. 

Time awareness

I have a question about people with ADD/ADHD and time.  It's often said that people with ADHD aren't aware of time and so don't realize how long it takes to get things done.  Do you think that it's also possible that they don't realize how "short" it takes to get certain things done?  This thought occurred to me just now while I was in the kitchen waiting for some cookies to finish baking.  I staightened up a bit while waiting and thought about one of my routine "while waiting" tasks:  emptying the dishwasher.  I can do most of it in the time it takes my coffee to heat in the microwave.  I
