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Dear Husband,

I am so grateful to you that you have accepted this process of looking at yourself, and accepting this diagnosis of ADD.

I am so grateful to you that you so whole heartedly want to make these positive changes so that we can stay married.

I am sorry for all the times I have focused on the negative and not the positive.

I am sorry for not being able to truly understand what it's like inside your head.

I am sorry for all the times I've told you I felt like you weren't trying, when you honestly were.

Does it get better????

My husband and I have been married a year and a half. Only last summer did we realize he has adult ADD. I've always been frustrated with him about not waking up on time for work and school, not remembering things I have told him to do. Never doing things unless I do tell him (he can't see the kitchen is messy and pick it up) Not remembering things I've told him (Like then I tell him I have an appointment Tuesday and on Tuesday he asks where I am...) Until we found out he had ADD I really just thought he was lazy and thoughtless. Since his diagnosis he is on Ritalin twice a day.

Is it healthy to resent your spouse so often?

My Husband and I have been together 5 years and married for 3.  We have one son and a baby on the way.  I am the breadwinner in the family as I have my masters degree and all the attempts  my husband has made to go to college have ended because he needed me to monitor and support him in his classes too much - I often ended up finishing the classes for him - online classes.  He works in telecommunications and is pretty good at it and this year we moved to Alaska and he started a new position and decided he needed meds to help him with focus.  He is on meds for the first time in over 15 years


Hi everyone: Don't know where to start but I'll do my best to keep the backstory short. I'm non-ADHD spouse in 7th year of marriage. I married him for all the wrong reasons. The co-dependant, low self esteem part of my fell in love with the the over the top 2 year courtship never stopping once to think that anything was wrong. Yes, he played some video games. Yes, he had trouble keeping things organized but I was there to help him with all of that and the level of adoration, commitment, love, sex, romance that I got in return seemed like a great payoff.

ADHD and Processing Issues, Part 2: Working Memory and What LOOKS Like Lying

Has anyone out there with ADHD had the experience of appearing to be, but not actually, lying due to working memory issues?  About a week ago, I had what has to be the trillionth such event with my husband.  The story itself is stupid but serves to illustrate my point:


ADHD and Processing, Part 1: Difficulty Answering Questions Quickly and Directly

My husband is a bottom-line kind of guy.  Highly logical in most matters, gets to the point, great executive functioning.  He understands some of my issues better than most as concerns my ADHD.  There are some issues, however, where he could not possibly understand me less.  My difficulty in answering questions directly when he asks a “simple Yes-or-No question” causes him great aggravation.  He considers my “refusal” to heed his request that I answer yes or no immediately as a sign of disrespect and that I don’t listen to him.  I understand that this circumlocution that I

New to Forum : Therapy Issue - please help

I recently began therapy for myself.   I am not in a particularly bad place in my life but I want some help with some issues that are holding me back.   One issue are some of the disconnects between my husband and I which I talked about during my first session.  My husband has many of the characteristics of ADHD including irritability and impatience, and some communication issues.  My therapist suggested he had ADHD and I casually agreed because on the surface it appears that way.

Not sure what the future holds


I am posting here as a means of venting and perhaps for some feedback as well, not to air dirty laundry. I am 42 yr young housewife who has been married 24 years. I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 35. I can't tell you how ecstatic I was. I felt like a light switch had been turned on. On a personal level, my life slowly began to improve. After having walked away from so many jobs


From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

It is because of this site that I was able to realize what has been plaguing my marriage and relationships, ADHD. My wife came upon this site while trying to figure out a way to communicate with me, something we have NEVER had a problem with. She asked me to read through a few posts and I decided to indulge her, thinking to myself, "I'm not hyper, i don't fidget, there are certainly things that I focus on very well..."etc.
