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Dont know what to do.

Let me just start out by saying I don't even know if I fit into this site. I as a child was diagnosised with ADD and dyslexia. I did well as a threw High School and collage. Things fell apart fast Post Cancer. Its bad. I cant think, I cant remember anything, my mind is in constant fog. List, tasks, events, faces all but disappear in to haze. My wife and I are close to the end. I now suffer from extreme anger issues and frustration. I say incredibly hurt full things that I don't mean but uncontrollably come out when we fight. I Don't know what related to what.

Every minute together is SO complicated, doesn't feel like a life


I am so overwhelmed with how complicated this is - to try and change every minute, every interaction, every hour of every day of every month of every year - and at the same time ignoring the chores left undone, feeling ignored, feeling hopeless, keeping my lips sealed shut when he fails YET AGAIN at something he promised to do. I have to think about every word that comes out of my mouth, because he may be "offended" or become defensive because of his own baggage. I am TIRED of feeling like his enemy.

Non ADHD partner dealing with deception

I am a female non-ADHD partner who, within the last few days, discovered a major deception by my ADHD partner.  Basically, he purchased a house and planned down to the last detail how to cover-up the purchase and move into it, in order to move out of our home before I would even realize what was happening.

Suspect ADD in both of us

I don't even know where to begin and there's nothing I can say in this post that hasn't been said before, I'm sure. I am desperate to vent because I am so angry I think I might explode.

My H and I have been married about 2 years. Dated for 1 year before that. This is a second marriage for both of us and we each have a teenage child. I have my son pretty much all the time and his daughter is with us every other week. He is 50 and I am 46.

Unequal division of responsibility -- for worrying

People have been talking about anxiety quite a bit lately in connection with another topic.  I want to share my nonADHD perspective on anxiety.  One of the hardest things for me during my marriage, at least in the past few years, as our children have gotten older and had more challenging problems and our finances have gone south and other problems have popped up, has been that it appears that someone other than me decided that I should be the designated worrier and problem solver.  So, when one child almost failed a class, I worried and I dealt with the problem.  When she almost wasn't allo

Hi YYZ and all you ADHDers out there: Sleep Issues and ADHD

 I was googling sleep issues and ADHD for my son, and I found an article from ADDITUDE magazine that stated that the circadian rhythms of individuals with ADHD are off, and that *brace yourself because this is going to sound CRAZY* taking a full or nearly full dosage of your daily meds 1 or 2 hours before sleep will help you sleep better.  I am not yet on board with that for my son, but I can tell you that anyone who knows me knows I have been saying I am chronically tired since puberty.  Apparently we ADHDers get less REM sleep as well.  MY ADHD Mom doesn't seem to have these sleep issues,

How do I communicate he needs to get treatment?

My boyfriend and I of 7 years are taking a break. He (John) has move out for 6 months. He has ADHD and I've always known it. He took medication in the beginning, but hasn't for the past few years.  I never thought about it in terms of effecting our relationship. I never took ADHD seriously. Honestly, I thought "Oh ADD... everyone has that." However, now that we are trying to decide if we should stay together and work on this relationship or break up, I started doing research about some of our problems.

I think my husband has ADD, but he believes I am the one with the problem. Help?

I'm pretty sure my marriage ended tonight.  After 19 years together and married 10 of those with two boys (8 & 3-8 yr old has ADHD), we are at the end.  I have finally found out about adult ADHD by reading books and going to the CHADD meetings and listening to the stories...I have to say it sounds like us.  My husband is ready to leave the marriage because he is tired of not having any physical contact with me.  And while I understand this for him and myself, the reason for not being intimate with my husband are numerous.  Once I started reading about adult ADHD, I saw so many things th

The ADHD Effects on Marriage


I have finished reading "The ADHD Effects on Marriage".  What a surprise!!!  My spouse decided to read it too!!!  Funny he decided we should jump to step six.  I am thinking we need to go thru all six steps.  He was gracious enough to tell me i might need to get someone to help with my depression.  While he decided to let work interfere with him getting in contact with his doctor to get his prescription for his ADHD.  So he has been off of his ADHD medication for a number of weeks.  He does not want to find out why i am depressed.  I had hoped that him reading the book would be an eye openi
