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Starting Marriage Counseling - help me find hope!

I want to find HOPE. The hardest thing for me to say is "help me". Not saying it is prideful and vain and won't get me any help, so "Help"! Remember - I want positive things. "I WANT" them. At the point I am at now, I have no self confidence, self loathing, failure beliefs, ADD etc, etc... but I want to change and in my past when I get to this low point - my saving grace has been to listen, really listen to what people who love me are saying and take the advice offered. So... a little background.

Inconsiderate, thoughtless, clueless or just ADHD?

I have been seeing my ADHD diagnosed boyfriend for a little over a year, we are both 39. There have been many ups and downs but I believe he tries hard to be a good "significant other" despite the ADHD. Yet there are continuous issues that keep popping up that I am trying hard to not take personally and put into perspective (accounting for the effects of ADHD) but I am having increasing trouble doing this. (He has a prescription for Ritalin but often forgets to take it so the benefits are questionable).

Memory loss - is it related to ADD? Meds for ADD? Or something else?

New concern with ADD DH- he is experiencing memory loss. He claims that he doesn't recall specific conversations that we have.  Conversations that I know we have had -some that are important, others more conversational - it doesn't matter - he really doesn't recall them taking place.  Sometimes, I can relay some of the conversation to him and he may recall or he may not. He is frustrated and concerned with this issue. He is taking Dextroamphetamine XR and Prozac and some other meds for health issues.  Could this be a result of the med's interacting?

Selcuded behavior on holiday

Can't understand why dh is remaining off by himself today. Yesterday was a touch and go day - he spent a large part of the day outside (removing snow) and when he was around - it was touchy as to how he would react to things - but overall he was okay. He enjoyed himself with his family - he said so. So why now today is he choosing to be unplugged from our family?  He hasn't done anything with us today. The kids and I played games together and invited him to join us - no. He decided to get a movie instead and watch that in the same room as we were playing our games.

Cost of Initial Diagnosis and some help

Hello All,

I've called around for the initial ADHD treatment and am getting multiple quotes of around $700 for the first visit.  Is this a typical figure?  I've also noticed that the treatment might fall under the mental health section of the health insurance and is not covered by insurance.  Do you know if the initial visit for diagnosis is usually covered by insurance? 

Wife Has ADD/ADHD--? Common Traits

Hi; New to the forums; been married for almost five (5) years--Didn't understand the depth/breadth of what ADD is all about, and after this amt. of time, am learning how frustrating it can be.

Believe me--I'm an ACOA and have been in recovery for 7 years,  and have my own issues--but I am totally frustrated with trying to keep my inner peace with all that is going on in our home. And yes, I have been in denial about obtaining a book to read on what ADD/ADHD is all about, but will probably bite the bullet and buy one.

Sharing positive stories about living with ADD

This weekend was crazy busy and as usual my ADD partner was completely oblivious to the fact that so much was going on and so much needed to be done. The reason for this is because he's distracted most days by all of the thoughts and 'stuff' floating around in his head/world. 

He's usually so distracted and 'busy' that he doesn't usually make time for me or for family functions (not happily, anyway) ;p
