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"Getting it" Question

So many have written here wondering if their husband/wife with ADD will ever "get it".  For those of you who have ADD and do understand the consequences of past actions, how your ADD impacted your relationships, how your spouse reacted to you, etc....WHAT made you "get it"?  Was it medication?  Was it counseling?  Both?  Or a drastic step on the part of your partner?

At what point, did your realization come alive?

Thanks for your thoughts.



Christmas present ideas

I'm pretty stumped for ideas on what to get him for Christmas.  I've been sort of obsessing over getting him a smartphone (like iphone, but cheaper) but I wonder if it's just what I want for him, not what he wants. (also, it's really expensive)  If I ask him what he wants, he says he needs a winter cap or mittens (which he will lose in a few weeks anyway).

So, I've noticed some common threads in interests of the ADD dudes (say: computers) so I'm wondering what y'all are getting your ADD guy. Or what the ADD guys on here would like.

Baby step backwards...or huge leap?

One thing I hate about ADHD is that it seems to make those who have it quite talented at using the Jedi mind tricks. Am I over reacting? My mind races....recalling all of the things that seemed so 'little' at the time, not even worth mentioning...and then the red flags start going up all around me, in my mine field of a mind.

Who do you tell? Who listens?

So, I'm having a hard time finding people to talk to.  I've told a friend of mine, who has had to listen to all the ups and downs (mostly downs) of this relationship, that my husband has been diagnosed with ADHD.  And I told him how some of the things that he's done correlate to ADHD symptoms.  And my friend got kinda mad.  He said that I was making up excuses for him and that any of those things that I mentioned, any "normal" guy could do and maybe he's just a jerk.  I tried to explain I wasn't making excuses, I was just trying to understand.  I tried a different friend who just kinda sh


I want to leave. I cannot.  My ADHD husband of 22 years controls every facet of my life:  HE convinced me to become a stay-at-home mom to our 3 kids...  will not let me get a job.  I am now not marketable- my RN license has expired .  Secondly, he moved us after 15 years in the midwest outside a major city and family and friends , to the Northwest where there is no family, and is completely on the opposite coast where my family is.  My kids and I miss our relatives and support...

Uncomfortable, and losing friends

I am feeling unhappy about the position that dh's add has put me in. He has a really bad temper, and lots of irritability. He does not want to "babysit" our kids. This all results in me having very few friends-- I hardly ever get to go out without the kids, and I'm so busy with work and all of the chores and shopping that I can't even seem to find the time to meet a friend with a similar-aged child for a cup of coffee. A year ago, dh was arrested when I called 911 because he was drunk and angry and made some serious threats.

RANT!!! (warning: this is NOT positive...)

On Sunday afternoon, after yet another LONG weekend of bearing up under the strain of my husband's anger, b*tchiness and contempt, I wearily told him that I believe it is time that we separate.  SUDDENLY he is off the proverbial couch and running around like a mad hatter trying to do EVERYTHING HE HAS NOT DONE FOR YEARS in 24 hours. To wit:  

Spouse of newly disgnosed ADHD husband

Hello all...first off, I'm a newbie and have been reading a lot of the posts here.  Some give me hope, some scare the living dayligths out of me and some the jury is still out on.  But I am incredibly thankful a place like this exists.

I have been married for over 2 years and been with my husband for 4 years.  We've been through couples counseling for the past 2.5 years and it took a random article that I happened to come across on the internet that made the light bulb go off.  It was an article about adult ADHD and it seemed like someone was telling me about my marriage.
