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Push/pull, consistently inconsistent

Married to ADD husband for almost 17 years. He was diagnosed at 19 when he was having trouble focusing in college (he was a straight A student his entire childhood and through his masters program).  He tried medication briefly, but it interfered with his drinking, so he gave it up.  We met and married at age 29 (had 2 young children from previous marriage to an NPD).  I knew nothing about ADHD, and I let all of the red flags pass me by as he lavished me with attention, intellectual stimulation and love.

ADHD Husband has a pattern of quitting jobs

Recently - within the last year - my husband was diagnosed with ADHD. For some background, We have been together for 5+ years and we moved where we are at the beginning of 2020 so he could pursue an acting career with my full support. He has been in several background roles but otherwise had not been working. When we first came here he got a full time job that he quit after like 3 months or so due to terrible management issues within the company and having not enough time to pursue acting the way he wanted. In the past he has quit all of his jobs for a similar reason/him hating the career.

Feel like giving up

Hi all - first post after finding this via Google.

I've read a lot of posts that give me great comfort in knowing I am not alone in this, but also a lot of fear that things really do not change and if I should carry on with this relationship.

I met my husband in 2016, he was diagnosed with ADHD in 2018 and we married in 2019.  I feel like his diagnosis has been detrimental to our marriage as ever since it's like his symptoms have been heightened and as if he plays up to it or hides behind it rather than taking control.

ADD, selfish, rude and lazy

So this just happened:

H has not worked for a few years. Retired.  He used to have a business that he conducted from a large room we call the office.  It is piled high with things like receipts from 5 to 25 years ago - dirty and musty papers and decades old files all over.  No horizontal space open. I have been telling him that I would like to clean it up and use the room as a craft room/tv-room.  We have a living room, dining room and a very large den.  This room is now a very large hoarding storage space that it is impossible to clean. It is starting to smell.

Anger, frustration, confusion and sadness

Hello everyone,

I m new here and I feel so much relief that I found this forum...The words I m reading here pretty much give me answer on everything and make me realize I m not the only one feeling that way.

I don t know why I m writing but I think my heart just wants to cry out.

I have a medical backround and do not put a stamp on him or anyone with any "illness".

Happy endings?


I'm reaching out to people who were previously in relationships where the partner has adhd. Mine ended in the last couple of weeks, I'm sleeping so much better and can make sense of things logically but do miss him and my heart feels broken. 
I know every story is different but how long did it take to feel less consumed by it, did they ever try and mess with your head to come back and have you gone on to have a relationship with an a typical partner and hope that compares? 

Frustrated non adhd wife

Hi, I have been married with my husband for 12 yrs who has been diagnosed with ADHD and ODD since he was 5 years old. We also have a daughter that's also been diagnosed with ADD. For some reason, as he get older, everytime I ask him to do things for me like simple chores: taking the trash out or doing the dishes. He always forgets it. For some reason he always w8 till I'm about to blow up until he does something. When he does finally do it he acts like a child that just got in trouble. Now everything just sets him off.

"As needed"

My wife finally got a prescription for Methylphenid 5mg.  It is a 5mg dose, which I assume is low to start of with and see how it works before building up.

The psychiatrist said she should take it "as needed."  She doesn't know what "as needed" means and has not taken it because she does not feel that she has needed it.  She is also worried about possible side effects.
