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Ready to throw in the towel. . .

I feel like I'm at the end of my rope (again) with my adhd husband and marriage. He is in deep denial and won't treat his adhd, hasn't taken meds for 2.5 years and I can't be the 'parent' and request that he takes his meds, I get that. We've done six years of marriage counselling, to no avail, done Melissa's seminar in 2014, read the books (well, I have), done workbooks together and subscribe to the weekly marriage tips. I always had this hope that if we just tried better and learnt more about adhd and it's impact on us, we would be able to have a happy marriage.

why all the STORIES

My DH has done this our whole married life: whatever it is, he is the BEST, knows the MOST, is the MOST qualified, thank GOD he came along or else the company would be in shambles, blah blah blah.  Currently we are in a weird place--he has been in Houston since Sept 1, coming home only on weekends and sometimes not even then because his current company sent him there to deal with many flooded properties.  I'll be honest--I LOVE it.  I love not having to listen to the boasting, love not having to try to figure out which part of the convoluted stories are true, love the absence of conflict.


how many of you feel rejected and ostracized out of your own marriage by your ADHD spouse. “Ostracized” is always the word that has come to my mind when I think of my relationship with my husband. The pain and the damage is very real. This is an excerpt from the Ostracism Awareness website. It perfectly describes me and my reality.

I need some advice please.

. This is so hard to deal with. I'm getting to the point where I don't know what to do. I myself have anxiety and being quiet helps a lot. But when my husband is home he just talks nonstop. I've told him in a very clear conversation that his constant talking makes me very anxious. I deal with my anxiety for the most part. He tells me he will be quiet but that lasts 5 minutes. I can't even have a conversation with him he just talks jibberish. I feel my nerves unravelling when I'm around him. I don't want to leave him but if he won't listen to me I don't know what I can do.

Drawn into lies

Background:  My daughter (9) is diagnosed ADHD.  I strongly suspect my wife has ADHD, and we both suspect our son (14) has it.  One of our son's symptoms is the frequent and often pointless lies.  ("Did you start the laundry?"  "Yes."  It's not started when I go down a few minutes later.  "I took my cell phone out of the case and accidentally dropped it."  "OK, I broke it on purpose to get a better phone.")
