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I think this is making me ill

We stumbled into ADHD just a few weeks ago. Until then it was understood in our marriage that I was a very critical, negative person. None of my friends would recognize this portrait of me at all (I have asked!) but this is what he'd say about me and to me. Until very recently I was really trying to make things work. I'd try to be more generous, kinder, tolerant, not complain about the stuff he didn't do and the work it landed on me. I'd try not to annoy him. I prioritized him and his needs so much.

Totally exhausted

Dear all, now it seems this post-divorce blues has turned into some kind of hibernation. I'm so exhausted. Life seems to be over. I can't fathom ever feeling enthusiastic about anything, dragging myself out of bed and to work every day.

Is this depression? I'm too weary to find out. Normally I'd go for exercise and such. Now all I want is to lie still under woolly plaids all day.

ADD really seems to have made sad leftovers of me.

How long has it taken you to regain some strength after divorce? 


How do you handle ADHD partners RSD moments. My partner has very severe RSD reactions to very minor things which would not effect someone without RSD. They get very emotional, angry, mean and although the majority of the time I haven't done anything I end up having to apologise. 

The episodes are getting more frequent. And I find it very difficult to cope with. They wouldn't speak to anyone else in the manner they speak to me. It's like RSD means they can behave how they like and it's ok because it's an RSD outburst. 

Needing help....the space between knowing there's a problem and going nuclear

Guys, I'm looking for support and help from both nons and those with ADHD on the site. It's been a tough few days. Hurt feelings, rage, resentment and more. I know I don't want to be in a marriage like this, I deserve better....but when the DX has happened within the year and we haven't found our footing but dang, it's really taken hold, what can be done besides working on myself. 


Knowing whether to stay or go...

I'm currently in a marriage of ten years that has been gradually going downhill for the past 8 years.  My wife and I got together when we both had young kids from previous marriages, and I feel like we did a great job of raising a stepfamily despite all of those challenges that come with being a stepfamily. Now, two of our three kids are off in college and the youngest (my stepson) is 16.  So, he hardly needs (or wants) our continual attention, but he does need care like any kid. 
