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Casting off fear....

Just a note....For 16 years I've been the person, (bill payer, grocery shopper, reminder, intimacy initiator, lost article search committee, cook, house cleaner, dish washer, abandoned spouse, etc, etc, etc,) I know many of you understand....Well after 16 years I'm done attempting to be two people...I've never felt better...Because I think I know what is going to happen, my fear has kept me trudging along....But, I am tired, and I'm done....I have vowed with in my own heart to just STOP being anything but what God calls husbands to be....We will see what comes back......If nothing comes bac

Flagging the drinking problem

Anyone here have experience for their ADHD partner having a drinking problem on top of everything else?  And it's not that they might drink a lot, per say, its what happens when they DO drink - no matter how sporadically. And they blame you for their 'not going out with their friends' because to them, they think YOU are the problem and that you don't want them to have any fun.

ADHD Radar

Has anyone else noticed that their ADHD person reacts strangely to other ADHD'ers?

I've noticed a pattern where my H and child are both very hostile amd contemptuous of certain people they meet, and a ittle further down the line, these people are usually the ones with some neurodiversity too.

I wonder if those people somehow threaten them? Or if they're worried their cover will be blown, or if its dysregulated emotion because they feel destabilised around others like them? Thoughts?

The Royal "We"

Something that frustrates the living daylights outta me, is the Royal We. 

What are "we" doing this weekend, what plans do "we" have? "We" will sort it out,  don't worry! What did "we" get the kids for Xmas? 

I don't want to keep score, but the "we" is 95% me and H just 5% of the time. I find it really unfair and exhausting. It looks normal to outsiders because things get done, but honestly, it's me, me and me again. I have to really contain my irritation, and simultaneously have super low expectations, while at the same time keeping the kids expectations for normality fulfilled - they deserve it! Rant over....



Hi, I am undiagnosed ADHD, my son is diagnosed and we are the same person. My wife and I have had issues in our marriage for years and have broken up and re-engaged twice, it looks like we are now going to split for a 3rd time and I am devastated, more so because she gave me this book and reading it has made me realise all the things I am guilty of, that I was unaware of, that has both had a massive effect on my wife's mental health and on our marriage. What I can't forgive myself for is the damage I have done to her mentally, even though I was unaware. My question to you all is...
