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My partner says ADHD doesn't exist.

I was diagnosed with ADHD (both types) about three years ago. My doctor (primary care) didn't think I needed any kind of medication because I wasn't having trouble at work and had successful coping skills as a child/teen. That's not exactly true--I've been called to task before at work for being distracted by things like the Internet or my phone. But generally I put out good work because it's something I enjoy. I wasn't diagnosed as a child because back then I don't even think doctors knew about ADHD.

Defending false accusations-I'm not crazy!

I've spent 2 years constantly fighting my ADHD husbands false accusations of mental illness. Beyond just yelling "You're crazy!" as soon as I express a concern or pain I've been caused by H's actions and behaviors. Here is the pattern:

Husband behaves outside of the scope of a reasonable person and or crosses boundaries.

Wife is hurt by the action and states that she feels (insert emotion) when H does (insert action).

H bristles. He denies the action even if you or anyone else bore wittiness.


I just would like to start off my saying I want to break down and cry over finding this forum. For the last year that I have been living with my girlfriend I have so much resentment in me because I feel as though I have bent over backwards for her. I thought ADHD was just a ton of extra energy. I feel so naive. I had no idea what that really meant. Now I live with my girlfriend and her son that are both ADHD neither one is taking medication or getting help. My girlfriend has medication but she tries not to take it because its medical medicine and she tries to stay away from that.

insane and disrespectful request

I just need to rant or I'll scream and I'm not in a place to do that!


So ADHD H is still obsessed with his ex. He states he hates her and I'm sure he does but he also talks about her everyday, seriously! He also goes on and on about how hot and perfect she was/is. I've heard way more details about this woman than I care to and H has compared me to her for 2 years and she often ends up the better of the 2 of us. UGH!

Acknowledge Father’s day/B-day?

Father’s day is just around the corner and its a few days before H’s 44th birthday.

Before H, I really enjoyed doing special things for the people I love on their special day, and loads of days in between.  But, last year H had one of his rage sessions and forbidden me to ever acknowledge his birthday again.

Why did you marry X when now, you're so unhappy with X?

Actually, I think a better title for this is "Why didn't you not marry X, given that you're so unhappy with X now?"

I married my H because I was young, idealistic, and stupid.  Being idealistic and not a fortune-teller, I didn't know that the following things would happen after we got married.  If these things had happened before we got married, I hope I would have been brave enough to not follow through with getting married.

H cheated on our taxes one year.

Non Stop Talking in Marriage

My husband was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. When I met him (he's 30), he was taking big dosages of Ritalin, which made him act a bit detached and zomby-like. I noticed that when he wasn't on medication, he was still very focused, able to concentrate on details etc. I thought that he should not take the meds, and his doctor stopped prescribing them anyway. However, after a year and a half that we've been living in a small apartment and we both have jobs that can be mostly done from home, I realized that we talk all day long.

Always inconsiderate

Why would he do that? I ask myself that question to just about everything my ADHD H does. He consistently does things that are so inconsiderate and I swear half the time it’s not on purpose because he doesn’t even try and hide it. It’s just like he can’t think thru his actions and even consider if I would be hurt or offended or upset by his actions. The only thing that matters is his wants and needs.

Can't forgive

My husband and I have been together for 15 years and married for almost 11.  We had our son five years ago.  We've always had issues in our relationship.  However, those issues seemed to come to head when we had our son.  I could no longer carry the burden of taking care of everything without consistant support.  My husband and I entered counseling when our serious marital issues developed.  Counseling helped in some aspects.  However, in many aspects, I feel it made our situation worse.  We went though two counselors that were completely worthless before finding a great counselor.  However
