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New here

I'm so glad to have found this place. I am 31 yrs old, married and have 3 kids, expecting #4. I just found out this year that I have ADD. I haven't been officially diagnosed yet, as I don't have the money to get seen yet, but I know I would be diagnosed with no problem. I had always dismissed ADD as being a childhood condition that only really existed in people's heads. Then I heard a couple women talking about their ADD symptoms and it caused me to start thinking about it. I did lots of research and now I pretty much have an explanation for my entire child and adulthood.

ADHD and alcohol

This may be a dumb question, but I was wondering if there was any particular reason why so many people with ADHD struggle with alcohol and/or alcohol addiction? I know they can tend to have one or several addictions, but alcohol seems to be one that carries over to quite a few who have ADHD. Is it to quiet the mind? My ADHD husband's sister and brother (brother bi-polar and sister and alcoholic/  bi-polar undiagnosed) both had alcohol addictions. My husband is not ADDICTED to alcohol, but there are times I do think he does drink too much.

How heritable is ADD? Thinking about children...

New to this. Strongly suspect that my husband has ADD or an LD.  Strongly suspect this, based on his behaviour and the behaviour of his relatives. 

I feel so scared. Feel so sorry for DH.  I know he is suffering.  I love him dearly, he is the love of my life.  He is so loving. But many broken promises leave me feeling betrayed. So so scared that if we were to have children, I would have to watch them struggle with the same would just tear me apart.)  Also scared that I may never have any children, if I end my marriage.  Ashamed. Guilty.

ADHD Meds and Strange Behavior?

I was hoping to get some feedback from others about possible behavioral changes with ADHD stimulants. Ever since my husband started taking Vyvanse, his behavior is odd. In the morning he's groggy and out of it (more than usual or what is to be expected), but after he takes the meds he is calm and extremely focused and energetic. In the evening, he starts acting agitated, moody, almost paranoid, and...just strange. Up late, writing long letters that don't make sense, pacing, talking to himself, acting secretive and hostile towards me. I think it's the meds that are doing this.

25th Anniversary today

I always thought the 25th anniversary would be awesome especially since I am still young at 42 years old. I told him years ago that we would have to save up for a huge party. This year I told him I didn't want a party. I don't want to pretend anymore, especially since he has hear me cry and plead for him to get help and he has not. Even when I told him he was losing me because of his self-loathing and tantrums and physically beating himself, he didn't get help or come in to comfort me while I was crying and shaking.

Husband's relationships with opposite sex

Before I say anything, please know that I am a confident and non-jealous person after years of being married to my husband, Mr. Charisma and Charm. I will make this short since the story is soooo long. He is constantly hitting it off with women (children also) that have issues. He then adopts them as "little sisters" and family but has on many occasions been alone with these women to eat, on one occasion on a business trip, to movies, texting, calling, etc.
