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anger management

I have ADD and I have a problem managing my anger.  I seem to rage at the drop of a hat.  I don't want to be this way.  I try exercise, meditation....Nothing seems to work.  I can be going along fine and I just can get so angry at any given moment.  I literally can feel it in my stomach....How can I help to calm down.  It is killing my marriage.

Trying to cope...Advice Needed

I honestly don't what to write so I'll just tell my story briefly and hope someone here can offer me some suggestions and helpful ways to cope. Well I have been married for two years to a man I believe has ADD/ADHD. I am not qualified to diagnose him but I have done significant research on the subject and I couldn't find one symptom he does not possess and it is driving me nuts. We are a young couple I am 27 and he is 25 with a 4 year old child. I thought that a lot of his issues were due to immaturity but believe that there is some underlying issues. 

Chronic Misunderstandings...he has different meanings for certain words?

My fiance & I had quite a weekend of misunderstandings. It ruined the possibility of spending time together, twice. Part of the problem is that he very often forgets about plans that we've made, or forgets the time we decided on meeting & then doesn't manage his time well beforehand to make sure things go as scheduled & so we end up having much LESS time together. Or, thinks we didn't even MAKE plans at all. This frustrates me because we had talked about what we would be doing later that day, but he completely spaces it.

Has marriage counseling helped?

I feel I am at a turning point. We have been married 12 years and have two children. DH started on adderall last year. I don't know if it is helping or not. It is hard to tell when he as taken it and I hate being a nag and asking about it. Anyway, at Christmas he left my families' celebration right before Santa was coming for the kids in a big huff over something ridiculous. He now is telling me how staying at my parents' house (3 hours away) is miserable and that they are welcome here (ha! I'm sure they feel that way now), and I can go up with the kids, but he won't be going anymore.

Angry Scared & Frusterated

Where do I begin? My husband of almost 2 years has a terrible temper, takes a simple conversation we are having and turns it around that he thinks I am attacking him and trying to start an argument when I wasn't at all. He then gives me the silent treatment and runs off to go to his dad's house in the valley and proceeds to talk to his ex girlfriend the whole way over to his dads house and I found out this morning he has talked to her all the way back too. I have texted him several times saying "I love you and did you have fun'? and he has not replied to me at all.
