Recent forum posts (all topics)

Does it ever get any better?

After years and years of all kinds of therapy and med cocktails, he's getting worse.  Does it ever get any better?  Or, am I just stuck with whatever the day holds?  DH has ADD with high anxiety.  Has been on meds and in therapy for too long.  Nothing is changing and in fact, is getting worse.  Not sure what to do or which direction to go next.  Any advice is appreciated. 

Thinking about taking the live couples seminar....


But, I don't think I can convince my husband, who doesn't want to admit he has ADD and gets really upset when I say I think this will help us.  I really do think this could be THE solution for us.  I am tired of taking care of everything and don't want to live being mad all the time, my choice, I know.... but I am really feeling so unimportant. 

I want him to join with me in the seminar.  Anyone else having this experience?

If I don't laugh, I will lose it . . . . . .

I need to vent to someone who understands!  We all know about the difficulties with finances when living with a spouse with ADHD.  My spouse is self employed and I am in college.  The 20th of the month is approaching - we have lots of bills due on the 20th - insurance, utilities, loan payments, etc.   There is an upcoming work convention next weekend for my spouse and his business partner.  4 days away learning, 4 days with no income, plus the pending travel and hotel expenses.  I remind my spouse of our approaching financial crunch time.  Throw into the mix that he is very hesitant to hire

Still growing and learning

1973  My minister made me repeat these words after him and said that this was God's holy ordinance in the sight of the church .... "to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth."  I promised to OBEY!!!!!

Please read.......

For those non-ADHD partners and ADHD partners, well, to everyone in a relationship with ADHD, please read "Loving someone with Attention Deficit Disorder" by Susan Tuschudi. It's from a non-ADHD partners perspective, but I think it can benefit all who read it. Let me know what ya think. I did a lot of thinking after I read it. I know my ,marriage is beyond repair (in my eyes), but I am hoping it can help another's.  :)

From marriage proposal to kicking me out the next day?

So, yesterday my ADHD boyfriend of almost three years comes to me and casually asks me if we should get married this Spring.  While, I was open to the idea I said we should wait until after Spring as his sister is getting married in May and we had the usual talk about kids and timing and stuff like that.  Well, we went from that yesterday to him asking me to leave today and here's why:

Dance of Anger Book

I'm reading the Dance of Anger book and trying to do some of the work, but I'm so confused. She has you "begin to observe your characteristic style of managing anger," and I'm all over the map with my husband. 

I overfunction with my family of origin: I have advice for everyone and move in too quickly to rescue, take over and fix, I pretend I don't have problems and am the expert. I'm the eldest daughter with two younger brothers. 
