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Chit need to stay on topic


Some of us just want to chit chat and not mess up anyones threads (I do apologize for any I have been a part of)

Let's just use this thread.

Bad day with ADHD husband.  He hasn't spoken to me "other than being civil" since Thursday...I am so sick and tired of's really not worth it anymore.  I am starting to see that this is going to go nowhere and I am so sad.



I am not shock!! last night when DH came home form work he was totally stressed out.He said work was stressing him out and he needed to get out and stress (down),he was pilled out with some un prescribed stress medication from the pharmacy..He wanted to go to the casino,well,before doing so I was at his apartment and for the entire time before leaving home he was totally ignoring me, and I was sooo uncomfortable.Nothing out of the unusual there!


My husband was diagnosed with ADHD.  He has had sleep problems since we met.  Including sleep apnea which I read goes along with ADHD.  

His ADHD has caused him to lead a lifestyle full of work, and all his other interests.  When we had our 1st child 14 years ago, he moved to the guest room since I kept him up at night being pregnant and uncomfortable.  Then after the child was born he stayed in the guest room since I breastfed through out the night and it woke him up.  

This actually sounds ridiculous as I type it...

a terrible mo(u)rning

This morning was one of the worst in my life. My soon to be ex and I were scheduled to arrive at court for 8:15 am. I left a few minutes late, for no good reason either other than I was sobbing on the couch and could hardy move. On the way there, I discovered that the parking lot I needed was closed. I park in a no-park zone and run to the courthouse.

I want to wake up and be in a differant life!

I began dating my now spouse in November 2010 and by November 2011 we were married. At that time she was everything I could ask for with potential for more!! Boy was I wrong!!!!!!! We just found out that she has ADD and now it has become a crutch. We started marriage counseling in April 2012 because being raised by a military family, I was not allowed to make excuses or give up easily and I had to FIND a way to make things happen...strong adapting skills if you will and I was determined to make this work.

Dear Click and Clack

DH is "on the road" sales.  He puts on more than 20,000 mi a year.  He is using the old family car that my budget paid for and has no savings in his business to purchase the next car.  Here is the queer part. ALL of his gas receipts show that he pays with $10 or $20 cash and takes $10 to $15 in change, buying gas $5 to $10 at a time all over the state!
