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Degrees of ADD/ADHD?

I live with my undiagnosed ADD partner and have been feeling really frustrated and resentful.  We have been together for 7+ years and only in year 5 did I finally realize what the problem is when a friend a mine was telling my about his ADD wife.  I started to read more about it and am 100% sure she is ADD even though she's never been diagnosed.  I wondered if there are degrees of ADD?  Does it really matter since any diagnosis of ADD is considered severe enough to be an issue?  I've told her she's ADD.  She doesn't get mad.

massive ego?

I went to a therapist, as I needed strategies to cope with my husband.  I couldn't figure out what was going on and I needed objective help.  I showed her a couple of pages from my journal and she INSTANTLY said, "He has ADHD."  Because of what my therapist said, I figured out that my teenage daughter has ADHD and my sister-in-law figured out that her daughter has ADHD (neither of us told our husbands how we 'discovered' this).  Their diagnoses were confirmed by professionals and they're on meds.

Taking Adderall and Welbutrin with ADHD

This is the first time I have been on this sight. I am amazed at how many of these issues sound like our life. It is so good to know that there is hope. My wife was diagnosed with ADHD a couple of years ago. I knew there was something wrong but it is obvious from what I have read here today that I have went about this all wrong when approaching her. My question is what effect does taking adderall combined with welbutrin have on my wife's personality? My wife has always been super defensive about anything I say.


I guess what I did was sacrifice myself.  I thought it was noble and needed.  I thought a person who cared made some sacrifices for those they loved. I thought that a family (or anything worth building) sometimes took some sacrificing to happen.  I still believe that. I learned about sacrifice from church, as a woman, as a worker, in literature, from models of happy families around me. I lived by the thought that I gave for the good of the bigger picture.  It was all supposed to be worth it in the end.

My ADHD Fiance Broke off our engagement

My fiance and I have been together for 5 years.  Two years ago, we entered into a long distance relationship (about 1600 miles apart) while he is attending graduate school.  6 months in, he came back home and proposed to me.  I was ecstatic.  About 6 months after that, I started to notice signs of ADHD in him, though he was 30 and had never been diagnosed.  He was struggling in school, not producing the required work, and was worried about getting kicked out of his program.

What's the most that bother you and how you deal with it?

Well, in my case, one thing that  bother me is when the TV or the computer get all his attention . Is like he disconnect himself from everything around him. So, If I need something from him or I need to talk with him, I try to do it before or after this activities. And if I need his attention in the moment I go on front of the TV or the computer , sometimes I have to clap hard to capture his attention. That is not funny for him but he understand. His sister also do this trick LOL

Aderall...changes you noticed on it

DH finally went back to a dr. and got a script for Adderall (first try with a stimulant). He filled it right away and took the first one at work. I called him to see how it was going and he said a million times better. He had been having lots of anxiety from work about getting stuff done, which was probably due to not being able to focus on it. Yesterday (day 2), he was vague about the effectiveness. He said that he had to get a bunch of smaller tasks done, so he couldn't really tell if he was concentrating better. This morning (sat.) he is in true ADHD mode with 50 things going on.

His Anger, my ADHD, and twin!

Don't know where to begin, but need to get my feelings out before I implode. My husband and I have been married for 6 years, together for 8. I had ADHD as a child (back when we all just assumed that we outgrew it), then was diagnosed again when I was 25, a year into our relationship.
