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Re: still confused

Hi group, Maybe someone can give me insight into my adhd husband's type of adhd, because it is still confusing to me, and at times I am just STUMPED. He was never lazy, in fact he was always "doing something" (I guess hyperactivity?)He didn't do things in ways that most kids would do, but I guess some of his actions could have seemed as "lazy". He WAS messy, and never put anything back, and his father was always angry at him for something.

I am Instant Gratification and He is Build up/Foreplay - can it work?

I've seen quite a few posts here regarding ADHD+non-ADHD couples and their sex lives but one part of the subject that I didn't see touched upon (no pun intended) is how to deal with the ADHD partner's desire for instant gratification when the non-ADHD partner enjoys more of a build-up and foreplay.  In my case, I'm the one who is the instant gratification person and he couldn't be more opposite, especially where sex is concerned but really in so many ways that is how we are.  He is frustrated because of my lack of sensuality.  He says I seem to have very little creativity in the bedroom i

Help! Meds stopped working!

Has anyone else had this problem:  Suddenly I am having severe slip-ups even though I am taking Adderall regularly, 2ce a day.  2 days ago lost my keys and metrocard.  Yesterday was a logistical nightmare, all 'ADD moments' leading to me being 45 minutes late meeting someone, and forgetting to bring essetial items...  then I ruined dinner.  this morning I was going to fold the laundry I did before going to bed, only to realize i never put it in the dryer and it was still in the washing machine getting mildewy....  Burned breakfast this morning because i couldn't handle making bacon AND pa

Conflicting ADHD symptoms

I believe that there are different forms of ADHD- that said I am diagnosed with ADHD and believe my husband either has a processing disorder or another form of ADHD.  I tend to be the more impulsive type of ADHDer.  I think things through quickly and prefer to skip explaining the process and just get to the end.  He is the opposite:  he has to process everything out loud.  He takes an inordinate amount of time to do anything outside the work realm.

The proper place of porn in a marrage

Hi I am a very very adhd husband and I watch a lot of porn but there are rules. I have been married for 3 years and this is what works for us like  a charm


1. no interacting with real people, no live cams, nothing, do not interact with a live person

2. never put porn before sex if it is 9 pm and you want to rub one out, ask are we going to hook up tonight if so wait, always put sex with your wife before porn

Separation and Getting Back Together (looking for people's experience)

I'm the wife and my husband has ADHD.  We've been separated for a year and over the last few months I've let go of the anger and have allowed myself to feel compassion for him and love him again thru all the hurt he put me thru.  I was pretty much ending the marriage but I do love him and in one aspect I do NOT want to regret NOT giving him a second chance BUT in the same respect, I do NOT want to have those regrets of giving him a second chance IF he hurts me again.  I do want to mention that he was very verbally and emotionally abusive and life was a rollercoaster.  

Adhd or not: losing perspective as to when to give up

Yes my spouse has add. Yes he is taking a med which can give him a weird flat affect sometimes. We've gone to counseling and it just made him angrier. He states more often about how he does not love me, but then will say it back to me if I say it first. I do love him - after almost 30 years. So do the kids, and he they. But over the last couple of years, It seems that with this new diagnosis of adhd, his symptoms have gotten way worse as has his anger impulsivity. He has not done it recently but his physical aggression agst me has gotten worse.

very conflicted

I need some advice.  I am feeling so conflicted.   Let me give you a little history.  I have been married to an ADHD spouse for 13 years.  He takes his medicine when he wants to trying to ration it out knowing that I have said it is a non-negotiable for him to take it.  He spends a lot of time, I feel like, self medicating with alcohol.  Alcohol is a big issue in our relationship.  It always has been.  I don't like how much he drinks, and he refuses to quit.   On top of that, he has an incontinence issue when he drinks so he wets the bed or on the couch and generally I am left with the me

Violence towards children from ADD Wife

Hi - I'm new here, seeking advice and support on how to deal with violence from my Spouse who a social worker I spoke to thinks is likely ADD.

My wife goes back and forth from being a reasonable patient person to one who speaks in very mean tone and language to the children and at times will hit them.  

I reached my bottom a few days ago after she hit our 7 year old daughter on the back.  I'm against any hitting and in this case, it didn't seem to me that my daughter did anything wrong, just a misinterpretation from my wife.
