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I don't understand this behavior and he can't seem to explain it

I keep reading that there don't seem to be many success stories here, and I tend to agree with everyone who posts that the happy ppl are usually out living their lives being happy.  BUT I promise we are not like unicorns--happy couples where one person has ADD do exist and I am about to celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary with my love!!  I apologize for not posting more, but I tend to post on websites mainly when I have questions (like today--sorry)  or really feel like something I can say might help a situation (which since I check the sites I read only about once a week or so usually

How to get through to ADHD partner

I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years, and I have always known that he has severe ADHD. He is extremely hyperactive, but it never really bothered me too much. However, we have had a lot of problems in our relationship that I think are stemming from his ADHD. Recently I left work at 5:45 instead of 5:30, and he became extremely suspicious of why I left 15 minutes late. It turned into a huge argument because I am such an honest person and I love him so much, but he constantly thinks I'm "up to something", or he "smells something fishy".

just need to vent

I am new here and I just need a place to let go for a moment.  I need to know how much can you take of this.  My husband is well meaning in many respects.  He is a great father, but I am having difficulty dealing with the extraordinary amount of responsibility it takes to be married with someone who has ADHD.  We don't really name it because he doesn't believe that things should be named less it has power over you.  He is unmedicated because he doens't want to be dependant on any drug for the rest of his life.

Talking too much and oversharing

My husband has ADD and  sometimes I just wish I had a muzzle!!! He talks so much and not only talks too much but he overshares and talks to people about things that I feel should be kept to himself. Opinions,stories and things that should remain in his head or conversations that we've had, husbadn wife things that I want to just die and crawl into a hole and hide sometimes. He is a love him or hate him personality. People either think he's too much and dislike him, they think he's fake and over doing it on purpose for attention or they think he's the friendliest and most nice guy around.

new here

A friend recommended this site to me.  I've read some of the things posted and all I can say is, "Wow!  I thought I was the only one!"  It's good to know I'm not alone.  That others with a spouse with ADHD are having difficulties too.

The Power of One: from victim to victory

Last week I wrote a post about my marriage and when I reread that post I know that it was written from a place of pain, sorrow and isolation. Now that I'm in a place that is more self-reflecting, I can honestly say that the one common denominator in all that has happened during the last 4 years of my marriage was me (my husband too, but self- reflection isn't about him!). This marriage has been extremely difficult for me.

Do ADHD'ers forget their own needs just like they lose sight of other things important in life?

Melissa's email post about the lack of intimate relationships got me wondering a bit.   (something like half of us lack even a single friendship that we can count on).

I know my untreated ADHD wife is human.  I've seen her breathe, and bleed....  But If I am an evolved, introspective man with feelings and needs for intimacy (not just sex.  Hey how 'bout sliding over on the couch or in bed once in awhile?  Y'know, a touch, a whisper, an embrace?  Maybe to show that you too need your man) then isn't an ADHD spouse seemingly susceptible to the same human needs?
