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I am the wife, but why am I always feeling like the "other woman"

I am sooooo hurt, so down today I have to look up to see the bottom!  Yes, I am the non-ADHD'er married to a husband who talks, emails, chat's, text, set up VoiP telephone numbers just to talk to a particular ex-slut (chick) from his past.  We've been married almost 7 years and for ALL 7 of those years, it's always been HER, in our marriage.  If I am not doing something or tending to his needs?  He reaches out to his 'crutch'.  He constantly says it's not cheating because he isn't 'physically' doing anything with her!  Wow..... okay....

No insurance, is there any help out there?

I am a sixty-year-old non-ADHD female who has been married almost thirty years to an ADHD man.  This was my second marriage and his first. He was diagnosed with ADHD and Social Anxiety disorder about four years ago.  A Therapist made this diagnosis, as we were unable to see a Psychiatrist who we could afford. As a result, he has never been prescribing any medication for his ADHD or his Anxiety disorder. We have never had medical insurance during our married life because of our lack of employment opportunities. (ie.  Education!)Is there anywhere we can obtain help other than Gov.

getting started

Hi, I'm new here.  I downloaded the free chapters last night and found myself laughing out loud at how much our relationship resembles the ones described in the book.  My husband and I have long suspected that he has ADHD based on his family history, but he has never received a diagnosis.  I would very much like for him to read the chapters and consider examining some of these issues, but I have a feeling this will be met with resistance from him.


For several weeks (adding up to a month or two) my husband's ADHD really started to spiral out of control (after stopping ADHD meds cold turkey) and he withdrew and started sleeping in the den. During out and on..he has taken to sleeping on the couch, in the den, etc. He once spent about 2 years sleeping on the couch. To make a long story short, it really troubled me and when we reconciled with a 'clean slate' approach in Dec 2009 after a brief separation I stressed to him how important the 'marriage bed' was to me.

Link between migraine headaches and ADHD or depression

I do not think the session today was easy for my husband. Now he's complaining about a headache, so I have to be quiet and take care of him even more than usual. I am more pain than he can even imagine, on a daily basis, but once again, it's all about him.

Is there typically a link between depression, ADHD and/or migraines? Or is it just an excuse to do nothing?

I don't understand this behavior and he can't seem to explain it

I keep reading that there don't seem to be many success stories here, and I tend to agree with everyone who posts that the happy ppl are usually out living their lives being happy.  BUT I promise we are not like unicorns--happy couples where one person has ADD do exist and I am about to celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary with my love!!  I apologize for not posting more, but I tend to post on websites mainly when I have questions (like today--sorry)  or really feel like something I can say might help a situation (which since I check the sites I read only about once a week or so usually
