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Non-adhd spouse uses adhd as excuse to be hateful

So I looked for quite awhile and didn't find this topic.  I thought if I am dealing with this so is someone else.  I have adhd and my wife does not.  Now don't get me wrong, I have plenty of anger and other issues to resolve myself.  However, I don't understand why my spouse gets mad and frustrated with me all the time but its "okay" because my actions "made" her frustrated or angry.  If I want an apology I have to ask or demand it because she thinks she doesn't have to.  She acts like I can't get angry but when she does I can't say anything because I "made" her angry.  I just want things

How to not get wound up in it all?

I made some off-hand comment today about my DH's therapy, and of course he used it as a jumping off place to direct all his anger at me. I'm working from home today (he is doing some fix-it projects), and he's been storming around here. This is pretty much par for the course for the last 6-8 months. Something sets him off, he storms around, he insists on engaging in some kind of "fight" that is really just him berating and badgering me about all I am doing wrong, and then eventually it calms down. I am so over it.

forgetting a dose

oof....  I left home today and halfway to work I realized I had not taken my Adderall.  I felt like my brain was a wet sponge.  I made stupid mistakes, thought it was Thursday (instead of tuesday) for an entire hour. Almost got hit by a car crossing a street... And just plain confused/exhausted the whole time.  20 minutes seemed like an hour and by the time I got home and tried to have a conversation with my husband, I couldn't form a sentence.


Treatment in Europe

Hi, I am an American who relocated to Italy a decade or so ago. I had been diagnosed with add a few years prior to my move, and had been taking Adderall, which I found to be amazingly helpful (though not without issues). All stimulant medications are illegal in much of Europe (and add in fact often dismissed as an imaginary American preoccupation). I continued to get adderall for a couple of years during visits to the states but this proved to not be sustainable. I have since been unmedicated and untreated, aside from a brief trial of wellbutrin which was unpleasant.

When the ADHD spouse is happy and very successful and non-ADHD spouse is getting sick

I have been with my ADHD spouse 22 years (since I was 18).  I had emotional and physical abuse issues from childhood.  When we dated 5 years he seemed very safe, happy, and successful.  His family seemed like a very quirky, happy family.  Although there was divorce, affairs, gambling, drinking, and job loss in his immediate family.  My husband now was overwhelmingly attentive, which I saw as love.  However, I did get "gut feelings" that something wasn't right.  He was extremely involved in sports and we stopped everything for games.  He underestimated his time spent watching sports.

Needing Some Encouragement

I quit my part-time job today.  In January of 2010, my DH and I discussed some options for me to add some sort of activity to my life.  I had become somewhat depressed that my whole life basically revolved around chores and carting our 3 kids around, and I am not good at doing chores in the first place!  We considered whether I needed a hobby or volunteer position and we settled on a part-time job.  So I started looking.  I had not worked in 10+ years and I had to create a resume, prepare for interviews, etc.  I was very anxious, nervous and insecure!

Is this ADHD?


This weekend my DH was out of town and I accidently set off the house alarm. I was mortified, had no idea how to stop alarm (it is not monitored), but with the help of neighbors got everything under control. The experience left me shaken, however, and brought to light some feelings I have long suppressed.  My husband arrived home in the early morning hours, so when we finally had a chance to talk I was anxious to share my feelings. He, however, remained fixated on what I had done to set off the alarm. I mean he was the point where he really heard nothing else I was saying.

We are finally going to marriage counseling

I let DH take the lead in finding a marriage therapist.  It came down to two people (one male and one female) and only one of them is on our insurance plan, so that made the choice easy. 

DH even called and made the appointment.  This past weekend was absolutely miserable, so I hope this helps!

We are both continuing to see our individual therapists as well.
