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Bio-neuro feedback


My son had been diagnosed with ADHD, and we started bio neurofeedback treatment on him and this has really helped but not the cheapest . Just wondering if any adults here have used this treatment and has there been a difference. I suspect my husband is very ADHD. I will give him 3 items to go and buy from the shops. He will come home with only 2 items, etc. The list goes on , time management, prioritisation etc.



Self Destruction

My husband is ADHD and in total denial of what this can cause in a marriage. I have been so patient while he goes to therapy and tries to work things out. BUT it is between him and his therapist and it seems that all seems to work on is "ME", This co-dependency is soooo difficult. I have tried to make it his responsibility, but then he complain I am withdrawn and I am not there for him. He spirals down...and causes havoc in my life. I recently told him to leave. He goes through phases of selfishness and then he acts so innocent like this is all my fault.

Newly on Meds. Need help to know when they have stopped working.

Can readers help with your observations?

I am newly diagnosed with AD/HD-I (inattentive).  I have started on Ritalin and can feel the effects within about 30 minutes.

Through the last 4 years I have been diagnosed with 1) occupational stress; 2) major depressive disorder; 3) anxiety and now finally (and I believe accurately) with AD/HD. After taking Ritalin I just wanted to cry - is this what normal feels like?

I am the non-ADD spouse (husband)

I am the non-ADD spouse (husband).  I’m in my early thirties and have been married to my wife for nearly 3 years. Prior to meeting her I had no real exposure to ADD/ADHD. She was diagnosed as a child and was medicated throughout adolescence and into adulthood. Also, she was medicated throughout the year that we dated and into our engagement. For the most part, she functions pretty well, but does a lot better when medicated. My mother-in-law is bipolar (doesn’t admit it) and has really bad bipolar cycling roughly twice a year.

Husband very angry, please help save my marriage

This is a first time for me so I hope I can make this understandable. I am a ADHD wife with a very angry husband that has given up on me. I'm sure that it is for the severe ADHD symptoms he's been dealing with for 3 yrs. I got diagnosed about a year ago but our marriage was already having big problems because of my ADHD, which I think might be the reason I can't seem to help myself. The mood is almost always anger and frustration for my husband. And I am feeling very worthless and I am feeling there is very little hope left. So here I am, a last stitch effort to try to turn this around.

New to the forum, but not the roller coaster

I recently discovered this forum and have just started the book. My husband and I have been married for 11 years, together for 14. We discovered his ADHD about 2 years ago, when he FINALLY agreed to seek help for his anger issues. His uncle's wife alerted me to the adult ADHD checklist after researching it for her husband (my DH's dad's brother) and their son. I could not believe how many things I said "yes" to when reading that list.

Wellbutrin alone


Anyone have any experience taking just Wellbutrin for ADHD? Does it work? That's what they are starting off my husband on (100mg twice a day). He couldn't take anything in the Ritalin class. Seems like a lot of people take it in combo with other stuff, but not just by itself. I'd love to hear any success stories or tips on it. Coincidentally, I take it for anxiety (non-ADHD), and it helps but it's no magic pill. I need some magic for the husband.

Someone with ADD help me understand-he forgot to eat lunch while I wasn't home

Poor time management is a common symptom of ADD. I think that's one thing that lead to my husband's recent firing. But we are looking at really changed circumstances and I don't know how to help him manage it.
