DH is reading the book!
oh... wait... he's asleep....
but.... he STARTED reading the book!
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oh... wait... he's asleep....
but.... he STARTED reading the book!
I am new to this forum. I am married to a wonderful woman with ADHD. Three months ago a support group for partners of people with ADHD was started in the Boston area. I have attended the first three sessions of this meetup group and have found it very validating to talk face-to-face with people who can relate to me. The few of us who are regulars are catching a vision to make this group not only a place for partner support, but also a place for us to learn together how to be better partners and foster healthier relationships.
I need help.
I believe that my partner has undiagnosed ADD; the classic symptoms are there, but there is something more hurtful going on.
While I'm dealing with classic ADD symptoms, my partner has developed defense mechanisms that protect against the natural failures associated with ADD...
Most prevalent defense mechanisms are the willingness to lay blame elsewhere when things go wrong...and to turn the tables on me when I bring up an issue that involves ADD.
I'm also dealing with denial in my partner.
He's never done this before. I keep texting and skyping him like normal, but he rarely responds, if at all. The ONE day I got him on video chat for more than ten minutes, I asked him what was up, and he said 'we don't need to talk every single day.' I also told him that he hurt my feelings when he called me irritating, and he just shrugged and said 'well, sometimes you irritate me'. No 'sorry', or anything, just more of a brush-off than anything else. He plays music and videos while we skype, so I can't even say anything to him, I doubt he's paying any attention at all to a thing I type.
My Non-ADHD spouse is leaving me and I'm feeling completely hopeless, I really don't know what to do. We care about each other so much, but things have been so bad for so long that he has given up any hope for us. I don't blame him, I see how miserable he is, and I also feel hopeless alot of the time. The sad truth is that while I understand that ADHD has an impact on our relationship, I've never understood how to make the changes that are needed. He feels completely ignored and rejected, and feels that all of my negative behaviour is intentional because I am taking medication for ADH
Hi There
I wanted to know what other option’s are there outside of prescription medication’s to help with some of the symptoms of ADHD. I have seen some natural/herbal supplement’s that are advertised to help with ADHD. Has anyone tried any of these supplement’s and has had success with them? If so can you please share some of your experiences with us.
Hi There
I am new to the forum and feel a huge sigh of relief, as I can relate to so much being shared. My husband has ADHD and was diagnosed in childhood, he is in his late forty’s now and stopped taking his med’s about 20 years ago, the reason being is because he didn’t want to remain in a zombie state all the time.
There are many many many problems that my husband and I have but one is the most bothersome to me. He has ADHD and I have no idea if this has anything to do with it or if this is all him in general. I wanted to explain and see if anyone else has the same issues or remotely similar.
I saw the email from Melissa and I think the studies are right. I have no close friends at all. And as a result of my ADD my wife has no close friends either. It took me a long time to realize how insensitive the things coming out of my mouth were and how they effected others. My wife lost friends and then didn't want me to meet any new friends for fear I would screw it up. I also was so focused on what mattered to me and spoke about it to my friends in conversation, looking back, I did all the talking and they did none so some friend I was!
My DH was diagnosed 2 years ago at age 42, is on Adderrall with good results overall. We have been together 20 years and have a good partnership-best friendship based marriage with fairly good communication. The issue is that I realize I am enabling him at a plateau in his improvement and I now am the only income for the entire family - and it is not enough to support us on the basics. We are living in a house that is in my father's name - we moved in when the 10yo was only 2months old, intending to buy the house & had some money in the bank. My husband had been in real estate for