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My husband has finally agreed to get ADHD testing (because we almost separated because of it!).  Any suggestions on what is the best kind of person to go to for testing, are some test better than others? I saw a local place advertised that does testing $150 for initial consult, then they also do marriage counseling which would also benefit us.  Any advice, is it best to get testing from a place u can also get counseling? etc, thnx

Deployed, ADD, and Marriage Problems

Ok so I am deployed and found out that ADD has affected my marriage in very bad way.  I love my wife so much and I dont know what to do now.  How do you communicate and fix a marriage when you are deployed to Iraq.  I am reading books and now know what I did wrong, but I am so afraid of going back to me not paying attention to her, being to distracted.  Will meds and therapy help in those areas,  Any Ideas, or suggestions

My ADHD Husband

I've been visiting this site for the last several months. I attempted to share my discovery with my husband, but he simply took it as an insult. I tried again recently by reading "Men Who Aren't Convinced that ADHD Matters." He claimed to have no argument with the blog but wanted to know why the wife's mental temperament wasn't discussed-alas he missed the entire point. Tonight we had dinner with his parents. During a discussion he started interrogating me in a very accusing tone, only to realize the information I was sharing was information he shared with me a few weeks ago.

Losing Myself

I moved in with my ADHD partner about 9 months into our relationship after a whirlwind courtship. Since then, I've started law school and am absolutely losing my mind trying to keep track of everything going on in his life while simultaneously trying to balance schoolwork and my own time commitments. I find myself encouraging him to go out with his friends, do ANYTHING besides be at the house when I am.

What is ADHD exactly?

I always hear people comparing ADHD to diabetes or high blood pressure when they say things like, "would you take insulin if you had diabetes or BP meds if you had a cardiovascular problem?".

It's my understanding that ADHD is a brain disorder that seems to affect the motor, emotional, 'executive function', areas of the brain. It seems it affects every function from sleep to how they communicate with others to angry emotional outbursts! 
