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Replys for Negative Effects of ADD & Depression Medicine

DH took himself off fluoxitine (for depression -has been on this for 4+ years) and dextroamphetine XR (ADD- on for close 18 months+)because he didn't like how they made him feel. A month has past and he made the comment (last night) of he doesn't feel like he is in a fog any longer and feels the best he has in a very long time/normal. That he can focus and concentrate when he needs to at work.  He claims that he feels his ADD is under control without the meds and will not go back to meds ever. 

I feel like a guniea pig... what works for adult ADHD?

Hi. I am a married 37 year old female recently diagnosed with ADHD. It never presented in my younger years, but it is suspected that I probably had it. Growing up I went to Catholic school and lived on a military base and my mother ruled with an iron fist. I have always been regimented with my time.

Dear my husband (a little long).

It's so heartbreaking to read around this forum, a lot of happiness and good things too of course, but a lot of sadness. I always feel a little numb and I ended up writing this. It's quite long and I don't expect anyone to read through it but maybe it can help someone somewhere. I'm a wife married to the love of my life, but in our case I am the one with ADD, "ruining everything".

"Dear my husband, I'm sorry I couldn't do your laundry"

Dear my husband,

Need help with spouse....

I have a wife that needs help but will not seek it. She is 38 and has a generational history with ADD and ADHD. Mom, Brother,Uncle etc. She is always yelling at me and the kids and cannot complete any task around the house with out it talking hours (sometimes days) and constant reminding by me... which she hates with a passion. I try picking up after her but I feel its not solving the problem but instead making me more resentful for having to pick up after her.

staring without awareness

I have been diagnosed with adult ADD for several years now. My wife often calls me out for staring at other women, which she finds offensive and hurtful.  In many cases, I am completely and totally unaware that I have been staring.  I frequently accused her of making it up, which engendered even more hurt feelings and inevitably an argument. I now accept that it does happen, and she has noticed that I also occasionally stare at men, children, animals, or inanimate objects.

How and when to discuss issue with ADHD spouse

I want to address the anger and verbal abuse with my ADHD spouse.   Its out of control and I feel im living on egg shells.  I cant deal with the bipolar extreme ups then bam youre being verbally abused  I want us to get help together so I can learn to understand ADHD personality and adjust things I do to help.   I want him to understand the affect it has on me and for him to take responsibility to controll his own anger Let me set the stage of our relationship and a describe typical evenings.   Married 7  years My ADHD husband is Irish and a Scorpio.

Recommending a book abt ADD

Just wanted to post a finding of mine over the weekend.  Not sure but I believe it was published in 1994 its is called Answers to Distraction by Edward Hallowell M.D. and John J Ratey, M.D. This book does cover both children and adults with ADD.  The book is all answers to frequently asked questions about ADD. 
