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Unexpected medication choice - Anyone have experience with Mood Stabilizers?

My partner just got his first script and I can't find anything online about it's use with ADHD. Most of the information is regarding bipolar disorder or co-morbid adhd/bp. It is sometimes mentioned in treating kids with agression and ODD. My dh is ADHD inattentive, and was already on Celexa for several years prior to his recent diagnosis. Today they added Trileptal.

Hot Button - Always Stuck Waiting

My ADHD wife and I have been working hard on navigating our differences.  We attended a marriage weekend with Dr. Hallowell.  We've picked up some books like "Driven to Distraction" and "Is it You, Me, or Adult ADD?"  She has gotten a diagnosis and is on meds.  We are working together to put systems in place so that work.  For example, we have followed Dr.

How to alleviate guilt and stay strong?

I'm here looking for encouragement, the kind all of us could use sometimes. My ADHD husband and I are separated right now so he can try to take care of himself for a while and get treatment. Mostly he's trying really hard and doing fairly well. It's great that we are separated, because I don't have the discipline to truly let him "sink or swim" and suffer his consequences when the problems are right there in front of me, or I can see them coming from a mile away. Let me give you an example, and hopefully someone will chime in with some encouragement.

23 years together, 3 amazing children, 1 ADD son,1 ADHD daughter... I thought I was crazy...

Hi Everyone, I cannot tell you what a blessing it has been to stumble onto this site! I sat for hours reading the posts with tears running down my face. It was such a relief to know I was not alone in what I was experiencing. I met my DH 23 years ago when I was 21. He was a young fighter pilot in the USAF and I was an undergraduate student. Like most everyone, our courtship was wonderful. There were no real problems except a few personal things I noticed which I thought were odd. It was these very things that should have tipped me off to DH's ADD.

ADHD explained in a simple, logical way


My ADHD thread is:

I found this site great ADHD Web site.   It explains all about ADHD, especially for adults.  It is something that may help bring peace and understanding to all ADHD marriages.  It has many ADHD videos, including some from Dr. Hallowell. 

I Have No Trust in Anyone

I feel as if I have lived in my husband's warped reality for so long, that I can't even imagine another world out there.  Since my son was born nearly 3 years ago, it has become painfully obvious just how much of my attention and energy my husband was demanding of me.  I could no longer live my life as a zombie, waiting for yet another one of his needs demanding attention - such as finding his phone for the 16th time that day or identifying the butter for him.  I could no longer live having him interrupt me in anything and everything I did, because there was a baby who really neede
