looking for spouse support group in NW Oregon/SW Washington
Does anyone know of a support group for spouses of ADHD, located within reasonable driving distance from the Portland, OR area?
Does anyone know of a support group for spouses of ADHD, located within reasonable driving distance from the Portland, OR area?
I have mentioned my story before and its been over a month now that my wife has left and gone to live with her parents with my 2 little children. I continue to go to therapy, take my meds and even going to get a hopefully full psych eval to confirm adhd, that I have been diagnosed with, and maybe even add more things to it.
Hi, I just found this site and started reading peoples posts. It brings me confort to know i'm not the only person dealing with a spouse diagnosed with ADD. I've been married for over 10yrs and always new there was something wrong with my relationship with my husband. He is a very passive person and avoids conflict if at all possible. We do not communicate well at all. I', constantly reminding him about what weve talked about plans weve made and soooo on.
I am very new to visiting this site. My wife had found the site and suggested that I read a couple of articles. The article itself was pretty good. When I opened this site by the main URL rather than linking from an article...here were/are my some observations.
- Pleasant colors
- Right off the bat I'm defensive. I feel for the "spouses" on this site...I just get the sense that the site is more geared towards the Non-ADHD spouse.
Hello everyone:
I used to post here under a different name and had to discontinue that name due to security reasons. Things got very difficult for a while and I thought it best that I didn’t use my real name.
This might seem an inappropriate topic for this forum, however, I think it very relevant. I figured out my alcoholism long before I figured out my ADHD. I spent many years in AA meetings and working the 12 steps and learning about myself. I learned to say or at least think, "I could be wrong." I learned to figure out my most blatent "character defects" and work on correcting them.
I'm pretty sure he isn't in my city (Atlanta). But who else would give an arm to get some good therapy from him? I'm reading his Driven From Distraction book, which is SO good, and it just makes me wish we could drive down the road and talk to him! We have a therapist right now, but she's not being terribly effective. I wish so, so bad that we could find a therapist who's very good and experienced with ADHD-and we could afford it lol. I really want my ADD husband to at least read his book but he doesn't ever read books, let alone on this topic. *sigh* One day!
Happy new year everybody,
I'm interested in hearing, if anybody knows, how common it is for an ADD/ADHD person to also have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and / or ODD (oppositiona defiant disorder). What do the statistics say, anybody?
My spouse was diagnosed with tourette at the age of 12, OCD at some later stage. I also found out, not so long ago, that my spouse had also at some time been diagnosed with ODD. Only recenty (about 9 months ago) my spouse was diagnosed with ADHD.
Hello everyone,
First i'd like to say this site is great and very helpful. My story is a long one and my situation very complicated. I'll shorten it as much as possible.
I am 25 and my OCD/ADD wife is 29. We met on the internet in 2006. I left the US in 2008 for South America to marry her. We have been married for two and a half years. I have only known for about a year and a half that she has ADD. She refrained from telling me out of fear that I would treat her differently.