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The Old Man in the Sea

When my husband and I first met, we were both rowing down the stream in our own tiny rowboats.  We fell in love and he jumped in my rowboat so that we could row together.   Sometimes we disagreed on the direction we were going or exactly how to row, but overall we were happy. Then we found a bigger boat, but it needed a little work.  So he jumped in the new boat and started working on it while I towed him.  Eventually, I left my small boat and joined him in his bigger boat.  And away we went!

Being supportive of my ADHD (soon-to-be-ex) spouse has cost me so much - especially the respect and empathy of others

Has anyone else lost the esteem of those around them for standing by their loved one with ADHD through the years?  I'm finally divorcing my husband after a rocky 10-year relationship and it's cost me more than I want to admit.  I've read a lot of the posts on here but haven't seen people discuss much about how others in their life have viewed the relationship so I'd like to share my story and would love to know if others have gone through something similar - and if so, how did you deal with it? 

Success after treatment?

My husband has an appointment at a clinic for Adults with ADHD.  I am hoping they will treat him with medication and therapy.  I am hoping to see some improvements in our marriage and future.  He says that he wants to get help. He seems to be looking forward to getting help.  He is afraid that he is going to loose me.  I think that he is sincere.  I am looking for hope.  I would like to hear stories about how your life/marriage changed, improved after ADHD diagnosis and treatment.  I also would like to hear about what treatments, therapies, strategies, etc...

Infidelity and Separation just as he was diagnosed

I've written before, frustrated, venting, but all of that was before 18 Dec when I found out he may have fathered another child when I was 8 months pregnant. He was freaking out before the baby came, scared out of his mind, not working and maybe even a little manic/hypomanic. The last year of craziness makes a lot of sense to me now that i know he knew about this and hid it from me from Feb 09 to Dec 09, all while becoming a first time dad. (and btw - he's a great, great dad to our daughter).

Critical mind, constant blaming


My husband has ADD. One of the things that REALLY bothers me about him is that he ALWAYS finds fault in practically everyone. And if he doesn't, then he goes the opposite extreme and absolutely worships the person.

Generally, he's always seeing the bad points in other people (thank G-d not in me and the kids, but who knows when that will change) and it irks me to no end. Bad mouthing them, overfocusing on the negative, etc, is so common by him.

Finding Fires

My husband was recently diagnosed with ADD about 6 months ago. He is seeing a therapist but progress is very slow. He is a really nice, good hearted person. I am constantly finding fires that he created and then I have to help find solutions to put them out. Two weeks ago he bounced a check to the IRS for our payment plan because he forgot to put money in the account. This week I found out he maxed out our credit cards. Even though I look to make sure things are going smoothly something slips by me. And I'm going insane searching for problems before they happen.

Not sure what is considered "normal" for ADHD.

This is the first time I have ever been able to talk to anyone who might understand what I am going through. I am so relieved and yet, so frustrated that it has gotten to this point. I'm sure all of you on here understand what I mean by that. I met my Husband 6 years ago, we lived together for 4 years and then got married and had 2 boys. I knew about 6 months into the relationship that he had issues with depression and anxiety. I was sympathetic because I had suffered from it also, so even though our relationship was struggling I wanted to be supportive.

lonely and disappointed

Hello,  I am so happy to have found this site.  I do not know of any support groups that deal with wives with husbands and children with ADHD and I have not found a marriage therapist that can help because I believe that in order to help they need to understand this disorder.  I really need to talk to someone who will understand because I do not have much family around and those that are around definately do not understand.  I hope that it is o.k if I get my story off my chest and maby it will help me see things more clearly and maby someone will have some advise or support.  Thanks:
