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How much Ritalin can I take?


I am 41 years old and comes from Norway..I have been using ritalin for about 4-5 months. I have used 20mg 3 times a day quite sometime but know I have started to use 25 mg 3 times a day by my own choice..I have read that 60mg is the maximum dose. I wounder if 75mg ritalin is dangoures since the maximum dose now are 15mg more?

I would also like to say hello to everybody on this forum:-)



ADD + Mood Swings = :(

My wife and I have been together for about two and a half years. We werent together for very long before we got married, as she had a three year old daughter and I wanted to quickly become her father. Many times she has told me she has ADD and has been on medication for it for many years. I never truly understood what the effect of the ADD was on our marriage.

Nearly a Year and a Half Later * Reflections of My Experiences Without ADD Spouse

It has been just over a year since I wrote the posts on this site.  This stie was a god sent when I was going through so very much with my ADD husband.  While I wished for a happy ending, that I did not get… it was a pleasant surprise when I received notice that someone had posted to my long ago writings; just the other day.


first stressless vacation in 20 years!

For the last 20 years, vacations with my ADD husband have been a nightmare.  I've sworn several times that I would never take a vacation with him again.  We tried taking separate vacations, overlapping vacations, and mini-vacations in order to try to finesse this problem, but none of these were very satisfactory for various reasons.  There are a lot of things we like about vacationing together, so we'd try again to make it work.

Several things that we've implemented in the last several years contributed to the success of this most recent vacation.

Courage to communicate

My partner and I have been together for over 12 years and she's been officially diagnosed with ADD for about 8 of those.  What I want to find out from others is how you've found the courage to confront your ADD partner about the damage that's been done in the relationship and move to a place where you can go forward.

I am so Thankful this Thanksgiving.....

While I have always been thankful for my  life, my husband, three wonderful kids, home and friends, this Thanksgiving is different...My ADD husband came upstairs to tell me he fixed our dining room chair which needed  its legs glued to be usable again.  The chair been in the basement for 4 years, just waiting for this moment....My husband and I  laughed and celebrated together today..over a simple newly glued chair.... The chair is just a symbol of a renewed direction for our marriage and an ADD victory. The glued on this chair is analogous to  a new "cement" in our relationship.

New here


Hi there!  I'm new to this forum and just thought I'd post an introduction.  I have been with my husband for 16 years (married 7). We have 2 beautiful children - a 2 year old and we just welcomed our daughter into the world about 3 weeks ago.  I don't really know where to begin to tell you about our story.  We met in university and we've been inseparable ever since.  We've struggled through university, struggled over jobs (he's lost 2 and is now self employed).

Chances of a child being ADHD if one parent is

I have read that ADHD is genetic and often runs in families. Even though my mother has passed on I am convinced that she had ADHD and that at least 1 of my sisters also is ADHD. (My mom was never diagnosed and my sister can't afford to be diagnosed.) Anyway, I wasn't diagnosed until 30 years old because I really never knew anything about ADHD. I could never explain my problems until I read an article in a magazine and it all clicked.
