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Spouse is finally open to seeking behavioral therapy!

My husband was diagnosed about a year ago and is on medication #3 (Adderall) with some success. However, without behavioral therapy he's had the medication amount upped a few times and then it seems to wear off. He's struggled to find solid, reliable talk therapy and was feeling very frustrated until recently. My own therapist has extensive experience in adult ADD specifically with a trauma base, and she agreed yesterday during our session to let me bring him to my next one with her in a week.

focus on the trash

My H has a focus on garbage.  He gets enraged every Saturday at me because he feels like I don't process the "throw aways" correctly.  He literally sits on the floor of the kitchen with the 2 garbage bags and sorts, rips labels off glass containers, shreds, and categorizies every fine piece for over 30 minutes.  He is always FUMING at me while he does this because I don't do this.  

I have a choice.  I can do it his way (which to me seems out of proportion of time spent for trash) or..

Waiting, and trying to hold on

I came across the book, and likewise this site after walking away, yet again, in a flurry of frustration with my husband. I am desperate to make us good again. I miss us! 

He doesn't even have an official diagnosis yet, we've met with our Dr and have an appointment for an eval by a psych, however, after reading the book and clicking through these forums, and my experience with my 8 year old with ADHD, there I no question in my mind. 

Lost....needing advice

I have been with my husband for 17 years married for 15 yrs. He had an affair 2014, we reconciled  and moved to make afresh start. Our son (14 yes) was confirmed ADHD just a few short months ago 

Our  marriage has been up and down our arguments the same pattern.

My husband started another affair just a couple of months ago. He said he'd had enough of the marriage and the constant arguments.

In thanks

The dweeb called me yesterday (us being long distance) in the best mood he has been in since work spiralled and he had a three weeks of utter ADHD overwhelm which resulted in him calling me so screamingly angry he almost always hung up in frustration.

Let me emphasise - it was never, ever at me. I was mostly worried for his distress.

He had been reflecting on what he knows about anxiety (as close as he can get to admitting he is crippled by it), where he went wrong and partaking in a lot of exercise to balance out his poorer coping tactics (un medicated is hard).

"Romance" or Just Paying Attention

I'm teh ADHDer and I'll cut to the chase - I've gotten so busy in life that I've neglected to pay attention to my partner - a familiar story I'm sure.  She says that the only time I pay attention to her is for sex and that I really don't do anything to make her feel special.  I'd tend to agree with her to a point - I do try the little things like always calling her at lunch or send a nice love note text.  But that's it.  I need help . . .

Many businesses/financial upset--now family. I'm tired

Hi.  First posting.  Married 27 years.  For the longest, thought it was behaviors resulting from addictive personality ( recovery/alcoholism 30+years).  But I got knocked in the head in marital counseling 10 years ago when we were told (didn't you know he has ADHD?).  Dang.  Should've known better.  But no real big change, other than me letting him "think out loud",  me "letting go" of expectations, me taking care of myself, me creating a separate bank account for my business and emergency fund, me stepping back and not rescuing when natural consequences come, and me not trying to excuse hi
