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Seeking attention???

What should I do when my ADHD exBF continues to harass me with emails full of veiled threats? The cops won’t do anything. One of my dogs had to be put down on Friday, and I am heartbroken. I put everything I had into the care of this 14 year old puppy who has had hip dysphasia for the last year and a half. I had a baby monitor and I watched him all night long and did everything I could to save him and make sure he was comfortable. 

Desperate for some insight

I am a 50 year old female diagnosed with ADD six years ago. Before that, my husband had a difficult time understanding and tolerating my forgetfulness. I went on medication for a few years but had to see a psychiatrist once a month for a prescription. I stopped seeing the psych and taking the meds because my husband complained about the expense and we didn’t think it was really helping any. A few years later, i asked my primary care physician for a script, but the one he prescribed made me very irritable and did not seem to be really helping either. So i stopped.

It's the thought that counts, but...

It sometimes feels, however, that there is no thought behind the gift.

My wife gave me a custom made string tie for my birthday.  I have no idea why she would think I would want a string tie.  We live in the northeast.  Neither of us is into country music.  Where am I going to wear a string tie?  This was a milestone birthday, BTW.

Is there a way to break through?

My ADHD fiance was fired from a good job shortly after we started dating.  I didn't expect it to be long before he had another, but he refuses to apply for positions, even when I find them for him.  He says he cannot cope with jobs that provide no meaning for him.  I get that.  I really do.  I used to work for myself doing something I loved and I had to quit and get an office job because I needed more money coming in.  I like the folks I work with, but the job has nothing fulfilling about it other than a decent company with decent people and a paycheck.

Don't be afraid to be true to yourself

The biggest "takeaway" I have gleaned from this site is that you can't change someone else.  You can only change yourself.  By myself, I have learned to not be so emotional...and that love is not the emotion (which, for me was probably more about need and insecurity and culture) but it is about being cared for and caring.  I cried a lot in my early marriage years making myself a victim rather than the person of strength I could have been.  I don't know how to fight....didn't want to fight.  But I realize now that I am in charge of my self.

She Won’t Get Help


My wife has ADD AND depression and has had for several years now. She had been successful keeping it under control and seeing a counselor but has not been back to counseling for about 2 years. As we age (she’s 66) her depression has gotten much worse. For the past 2 weeks all she has done is lay round the house not feeling like doing anything. She refuses to go back to her doctor or to councellling and I don’t know what to do. She absolutely will not talk to me about getting help. I love everything her and took a vow to stand by her and that’s what I am and will do.

Newly diagnosed w/ADHD & husband also has ADD

I'm newly diagnosed as an adult with ADHD. Seven years ago I was diagnosed with Bipolar 2 (what was called Major Depressive Disorder). The symptoms for these 2 conditions are very similar and overlap. Since having been diagnosed, I have started to wonder if I was MISdiagnosed . My husband also thinks I may have been misdiagnosed because the more I tell him about ADHD symptoms the more everything makes sense! His symptoms are different than mine. He's more neurotypical. 

Finally a professional who sees it!

My wife took our daughter to a play last night, so I met with the parenting coach by myself.  The parenting coach brought up the issue of whether my wife has ADHD and listened to my concerns.  I explained how the "Adult ADHD Special" I persuaded my wife to see has used a checklist meant for kids, not adults.  I also explained how our couples therapist--who was also supposed to specialize in ADHD--doesn't "believe in diagnoses."
