Recent forum posts (all topics)

Off the Leash

Several weeks ago, my DH and I had a major altercation.  He took off and headed for the hills on a day I had something planned and needed his help.  I told him it started at five and expected him to understand that he should be  home earlier to pick up the house and get a few snacks since I was working all day.  When I tried to call him, he refused to answer the phone.  I childishly got our adult daughter involved and called her and told her to "tell your father to please answer the phone".  He picked up for her, so she passed on the message, but he still wouldn't call me.  Just texted sayi

ADD and sexless marriage

Further to PoisonIvys thread about an ADD spouse who's only interest is sex. This is my marriage. He has no other interest in me. No friendship. No companionship. I have quit giving him what he wants. I am tired. But I do often wonder if I am damaging the relationship too by not doing my part with the sex thing. I just don' know...any thoughts?

ADHD partner going in deep moods with me most weekends

I am seriously considering how to cope, how to be stronger, but angry that his moodiness most weekends, lately, because I am not listening, because he wants to talk about something with a lot of detail in it and wants me to get it properly and this is usually when we are out and about, the supermarket car park as we are walking towards the shop doors, or when my dog was being extremely restless in a pub, going near the fire, walking off, or about to jump up on the pub's sofa, I get accused of not wanting to listen to him.  This also is a cheek because he doesn't actively listen to me or ask

emotional availability and unavailability

I'm thinking about this topic today more than usual because this would have been my 33rd wedding anniversary, if the marriage had not ended (by divorce, two years ago).  My ex has, it seemed, always showed more interest in communicating and sharing with and supporting women who aren't me.  You don't know me and you don't know him, so you can't tell me why this is, but I'm wondering what others whose spouses or partners have ADHD have experienced in this realm.  I don't necessarily think this is an ADHD thing.  My ex has lots of other issues that could explain this, including (maybe) that he

Why should I be uncomfortable?

Recently, our teenage son said he knew my wife hid his portable game system in her locked drawer and he could not get to it.  Last night, she opened the drawer (she says it was locked) and found it missing.  This is the same drawer where she keeps sex toys.  We have file cabinets with locks in our bedroom precisely because both our son and our daughter routinely go into our room without permission and look through our dressers and under the bed.  I keep medications in the locked drawer next to my side of the bed.

Raising children with ADD spouse

This is my first time posting, but I have been visiting this site for about a year.  My husband stopped taking his ADD medicine several months ago.  He also has sleep apnea and won't use his equipment at night.  According to him, both these things are my fault.  He also tells me I'm the reason he lies.  Things have been horrible lately, especially when it comes to our kids.  They don't see his constant lies and I'm the "mean and bad" parent because I ask them to do chores.  In front of me, he tells both kids (11 and 14) that they don't need to do what I ask and that I should do it myself. 

He lost his job - again

Same issues as usual were raised, things that I have been telling him have been getting worse: forgetting things, time management, organization and communication. Our marriage has been horrible, I am miserable. These things plus his negative attitude have taken a major toll but he had told me that - despite my concerns that it would affect his work as well - things were find at work and his job was safe. It wasn’t. He knew for a while and he lied. 

I am tired. Exhausted. 

End of the Road???

This is my first time posting here though I have been reading every word for the last several weeks since finding this site. I am an American who has been living and working in England for 10+ years. I have been married for 17 years with a woman who had undiagnosed ADD (until diagnosed 2+ yrs. ago) and we have a 15 yo daughter....... Just turned 60 this last weekend and sadly, did not feel like celebrating the milestone at all.
