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My partner is newly diagnosed and I’m worried about how obsessive he has become about his condition.

Hi there,


im new round here but as per my subject, my partner is newly diagnosed and I’m worried about how obsessive he has become about his condition.

He was diagnosed in February and is on a mixture of Concerta 36mg and 10mg Ritalin which he uses to top up through the day by 1mg amounts. 

Im supportive in his research and his treatment but he has become so obsessed with his condition and different ways to treat it that I believe he has crossed from a healthy interest in to some sort of hyper-focus or obsession. 


Is this my husband or is it ADHD?  My husband has a way of twisting situations in his head so things are perfect.  Sometimes I wonder if he's being manipulative, but I really think he's just delusional.

For example, at our kid's school, once a month parents come in before school starts and get to see what the kids are working on.  Like an open house. 

Well, we forgot again today.  I was moaning a little that we screwed up and he said "at least we made it to every other one this year."  We only made it to one. 

Learned helplessness

 I am wondering if this is an ADD trait. I am constantly being asked to do things for DH that I feel a 56 year old man should be able to do for himself. He came to me last night with pill bottles in his hands. Couldn't figure out how much Advil to take. If I had told him to read the label he would have a screaming fit at me. I know we shouldn' be in a parent child dynamic  but what to do if the ADD spouse seems to want it this way. He cannot seem to read a map or a measuring tape either. He relys on me a lot but has the attitude that I do nothing for him.

Fed Up

Tired of getting the brunt of her anger at herself. My wife of 19 years has ADD and depression. I’ve been reading the blogs about the “Parent Child Relationship”and I must say that it’s happening in our life. Today, I saw that she was running out of her meds, so I called the doctor to see,if she could come in for the script. Yes, she got an appointment for 3:00. Wife was outside pulling weeds and I told her we need to hurry so as to get there on time. Taking her time, she finally came inside to ge ready. 2:30i reminded her we had to leave to get there in time.

Understanding Files

In the Desktop directory, as shown in the above example, there are 23 files and 7 directories, representing different file types. In Windows, you are familiar with files having icons that help represent the file type. In the command line, the same thing is accomplished by the file extensions. For example, "forum posts.txt" is a text file website - because it has a .txt file extension. Time.mp3 is an MP3 music file and minecraft.exe is an executable file. Listing of file extensions and additional help with file extensions. For most users, you'll only be concerned with executable files, which as mentioned above, is a file that ends with .exe and are also files that end with .com and .bat. When the name of these files are typed into the command line, the program runs, which is the same as double-clicking a file in Windows. For example, if we wanted to run minecraft.exe typing "minecraft" at the prompt runs that program. Note: Keep in mind that if the executable file you are trying to run is not in the current directory you'll get an error. Unless you have set a path for the directory that contains the executable file, which is how the command line finds external commands. If you want to view the contents of a file, most versions of the command line use the edit command. For example, if we wanted to look at the log file hijackthis.log we would type edit hijackthis.log at the prompt. For 64-bit versions of Windows that do not support this command you can use the start command, for example, type start notepad hijackthis.log to open the file in Notepad. Further information about opening and editing a file from the command line can also be found on the link below. How to open and view the contents of a file on a computer. Moving back a directory You learned earlier the cd command can move into a directory. This command also allows you to go back a directory by typing cd.. at the prompt. When this command is typed you'll be moved out of the Desktop directory and back into the user directory. If you wanted to move back to the root directory typing cd\ takes you to the C:\> prompt. If you know the name of the directory you want to move into, you can also type cd\ and the directory name. For example, to move into C:\Windows> type cd\windows at the prompt. Creating a directory Now with your basic understanding of navigating the command line let's start creating new directories. To create a directory in the current directory use the mkdir command. For example, create a directory called "test" by typing mkdir test at the prompt. If created successfully you should be returned to the prompt with no error message. After the directory has been created, move into that directory with the cd command.

Hi I'm new and broken right now - bf diagnosed with ADHD after 3 years

Hi and so pleased to have found this space.  I have never reached out like this before but I am feeling so broken.  A long story short - I've been living with my bf of 3 years who has recently been diagnosed as having ADHD, like just last week.  

He has moved to his sisters and finally gone to the doctors.  We both have to move out of the home I have had for 10 years because finances have gotten so out of control, rent couldn't be paid and its all in my name and now I am being evicted.

25 years of constant job loss

Husband is in denial of his ADHD symptoms despite the fact that we have a son with it and did therapeutic foster care for multiple kids with it. He just refuses to equate any of his problems with keeping a job to ADHD. Over 25 years he's had 28 jobs, the longest lasted 4 years. Every time he gets fired he claims he has no idea why or makes excuses for why he couldn't possibly have performed any better. Usually he claims they never trained him properly or the equipment was faulty or the conditions weren't "ideal" (too hot, too cold, no breaks, no instructions, etc) 
