Recent forum posts (all topics)

It's over, and it didn't have to end like this.

I posted this on another topic:



The love languages are a real thing, I encourage anyone to find out what their love language is, and what their spouse's is as well.  For instance, my H language is "Acts of Service" almost exclusivly.  And mine is a mix of "Physical Touch" and "Words of Affirmation"  (physical touch doesnt have to be sexual touch FYI).  Based on that, the goal for our relationship would be for:

1. me to become comfortable with accepting his acts of service as him expressing love to me

Just another vent.

I don't understand how when I can ask a very simple question, how I am supposed to be just fine when the answer is given with rolling eyes, and an irritated annoyed tone.  I am sick of being treated like that and when I point out I was simply asking so that I could determine my plans around his activity, his response is that he "just replied is all" now annoyed that I am pointing out his tone with me.  He doesn't see it, doesn't acknowledge it, and again I am sure assumes I am simply trying to control him.


Presenting wife with ADHD and Marriage is/has backfired

Well, my new friends in ADHD, my purchase of the book I was hoping would help save things and bring about new understanding is actually backfiring. 

My wife, who is only about a fourth of the way into the book is now using what she is reading against me. Saying things like "you see what your doing wrong, do you see now why I'm so mad and what you are not doing".   She just about threw it at me yesterday in anger. 


RoseRed, Liz, Dede, all of you non ADHD spouses who are constantly pulled down, knocked down and kicked, hit with a brutality of emotion few can ever even comprehend.... J, Todd - all of you ADHD spouses who have the courage to question yourself and reach for help... find it in yourself. Become the best you, and never ever give in.


I know I have some fire to walk through still, but through it I can see a beautiful life flickering between the flames.


I heard this today, sent by someone who has gone through the fire herself and came out like a phoenix.

2nd time in a month H has not gone to work and not called in!

He had a 3-day weekend this past weekend so he should have been plenty relaxed. When he's really busy at work I never see him on Facebook all day or get emails, but he was on quite a bit on Tuesday so I figured it must be slow and he's having a good day. He even called me about a 1/2 hour before he left work and sounded all upbeat.

3 things you could magically change

With all the anger and frustration we as non adhd spouses feel, are there 3 things that if you could use a magic wand to change, what would they be?  I am not talking about "curing" the ADHD symptoms, or magically erasing past behavior, but if there were 3 things your spouse could do different right now, that you think could save things or make things better between you, what would they be?  For me, I would change the following:


Personality Types (Part two) Who Am I With?

This has been such an Odyssey trying to figure out...."who am I with "....that I wanted to make a quick post and say what I've found out and how I see my wife now compared to before I came home from my personal journey here.

I do think my wife is ADHD.  Even though her mother was Bi-polar, I'm thinking less about that now.  The symptoms just are lining up right and I've felt for a long time that are "so much the same in many ways." LOL  That might be an understatement.

Feeling you "owe" your partner and thoughts that it could be the only glue

Hi y'all,

new guy here. I am the pt in our relationship and that part is well taken and acknowledged by both of us. My fist apparent problem to my wife was my alcoholism so we admitted myself into 30 in pt program and got a great doc. We discovered I was self medicating a lot of issues ADHD being primary. 
