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Sometimes I just can't be bothered

Is it just me who sometimes really cannot be bothered to deal with my partners out of control symptons? 

I know his meds are not working, I know he's not working on anything much, he's unfocused, forgetful, vague, lying over stupid things, obsessed with a game on his phone, forgetting plans we have made, speaking to me like crap, off on another planet....

Husband Won't Get Treatment

My husband won't address his ADHD issues. He used to say he didn't have ADHD and/or it simply didn't exist and was a madeup diagnosis. He's come around a pretty good amount I guess. This past year after losing something the umpteenth time he asked me "so what would I have to do to get ADHD meds?" Nonetheless I feel that he thinks that acknowledging and treating this problem is admitting that he's the "problem" in our marriage or something.

*sigh* - looks like take off is sputtering and loosing altitude a little

My H - who went off and started doing some amazing things for 2 weeks, has started loosing steam I believe.  Like other times - this seems to be starting his loss of motivation etc.  I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.


The realities of our true feelings concerning our marriages....

Are you offended by being a Husband or Wife?

We are all different on this forum, but, in the same breathe I can say we all have many similarities.

What is your concept of marriage?

What or Who do you pattern you life after as a husband or wife?

Who for you is the authority on what a marriage is suppose to look like?

Video games

My husband is a total addict to video games.  He will of course deny it, but i know it's true and I am sure he knows it deep down inside too.  At one point, he played World of Warcraft.  It totally consumed his life.  He walked away from it a few times, once even telling me he could finally see how toxic it was to his life.  He put that game in front of everyone including his daughter.  He finally stopped playing a few years ago, moving on to another game called Star Wars the Old Republic.    He lost control with that one too.

How can I help him and improve my marriage without loosing myself?

I'm new to this forum but I was hoping to get some help and support here, and so far it's been helpful reading other people's stories and how to improve your relationship.

Now I'd like to share my story to see if I can get some input and help since I feel very lonely in all of this and I don't know what to do.

It's better

After reading what I had been putting my fiancé through in you stories. And reflecting on my behievor I was/am ashamed.  the only thing that made a difference is that I actually acknowledged that I was the reason my so was/is the way she is because of:ME.  you know you say something we misiterpit, and blow up.  To stop that chain, it takes a lot of cognitive engagement, and know how to act.  It's hard after so many failed relationships, lost things, and awkward social interactions to have confidence that we aren't going to f-this current relationship up.

why is good grooming so difficult??

Many of us post here about lack of grooming in our ADHD husbands.  Why is grooming such a big issue with them?  My DH has the most disgusting feet and toenails you can even imagine.  Why can he not keep them trimmed??  He walks around barefoot, if I can see them he can see them.  I have asked him to keep socks or slippers on because his toes are gross and he tells me to get over it, it's just feet.  Ditto the fingernails--long, hangnails, raggedly.  Why??  Stuff in the ears--yuck.  Why is keeping yourself together such a big thing?

I have no idea whats going on....

So - things have started changing... and I have NO IDEA what happened, or why or what any of it means.  This is a breakdown of what has happened.


For 7 years I have supported my husband and been there with him through thick and thin, no matter what - and I have worked with him on all challenges that have come up.  I have made plenty of mistakes, and I have owned up to them and know that everything gets better with work.

