Recent forum posts (all topics)

ADHD Husband and in-laws

This is my first time posting literally on any forum. As you can assume, I am completely overwhelmed and I just need some perspective, experiences, someone to tell me they understand. My husband recently started Adderall 15 mg. This is after years of me urging him to get an evaluation. He did and it is a relief. It's been 1.5 months and he says he doesn't feel any difference. I do, slightly. He's less scattered and he doesn't completely ignore me when I express how I feel. There's improvement.

Meta Conversation and Mental Blocks

I've recently started to look beyond these repetitive situations that keep reappearing and looking for the patterns in them.  The conversations that come from them are fairly worthless in that my wife (suspected of having ADHD) appears to have no perspective and no memory of the last time she reacts (the same each time) to the same thing.  As if it had never happened before. (repeatedly)

Put in an akward spot... what to do....

So, my husband, who loves gadgets wanted the new iPhone a few years back - I said I would be ok with him making the purchase because he promised to use it for tracking and making lists to help him manage his ADHD symptoms. Of course - we bought several apps to assist with this, and set up his plan so that he could also enjoy the phone, watch music videos etc. And as you can imagine- as I am sure most of you are already thinking - he NEVER used it for the reasons he stated he "needed" it.

I have to brag on my Husband

I dont know whats happened lately - but my husband, who for 7 years has failed to follow through with SO MANY THINGS... and who has rarely pulled 'his weight' in the houshold - has been pulling off some seriously big time stuff recently. Out of the blue, about two weeks ago he just started... DOING things. Cleaning things. ????!!!!!?????  I wish I knew what changed!!!!!!  Its like a light went off in his head maybe?  I dont know!! Have any of you been through this with your spouse?


ADHD and Post-Partum Depression

I'm the spouse without ADHD and my husband does have ADHD. Our second child is now 6 months old and I am struggling with and engaged in therapy for postpartum anxiety and depression, but don't feel as though I have an outlet to speak to my husband about it. For example, I can be in a clearly non-functional state, curled up on the floor bawling, and my husband will try to comfort me, but get frustrated and leave because I am "ignoring him" or not responding in a manner he thinks I should.

Music - it speaks better than I can.

This song ... for my specific situation.  It really is what is in my heart.  It might bring one of you comfort too:



Every word you're saying is a lie
Run away my dear
But every sign will say your heart is dead

Bury all the memories
Cover them with dirt
Where's the love we once had
Our destiny's unsure

For Jenna, Liz, Dede, J, Crayon, all of you breaking your chains :-)

Edited to fix formatting - I REALLY dont like how this forum works!!! UGH!


This song is REALLY amazing - for me it captures so much. I hope that if you listen to it and like it it reminds of you the strength you have inside to break your chains, fight the monsters and find the light of peace.



The life you lose may be your own

A psychologist would tell me I am acting out the role that my primary family smushed me into.

My S.W. counselor told me I did not "grow up" ....  arrested development because I thought I HAD to be a good girl and obey (nearly everything/everyone).

An economist would tell me that my tendency to "play it safe" did nothing to increase my monetary well-being.

My old preachers said I must obey my husband, my parents, the 10 commandments AND the new testaments lessons of love they neighbor as thyself. 

An act of kindness returned.

Today, my H got me a glass of ice water to drink after my workout.  I didnt ask for it, I didnt expect it.  It was "flowers received, versus flowers requested" as Audrey Hepburn would say.  It was a kind aknowledgement to the hard work I am doing on my self.


A small gesture that means so much in its generosity.

