Recent forum posts (all topics)

Neurofeedback anyone?

My husband and son are currently receiving neurofeedback (NFB) treatments for their ADHD. We live in the boonies and couldn't find a professional NFB trainer within 300 miles so we rented a home machine for $800 a month. Some insurance providers will cover the cost. Renting is actually much cheaper when you consider how many treatments a family can do in one month as opposed to $80+ per treatment from a professional. 


Current Issue ~ tantrums from frustrations....

As I've mentioned before, my 60 year old H doesn't just have ADHD.   He has ADHD, OCD, maybe OCPD, likely Borderline PD, anxiety, depression and he's an alcoholic (semi-active).  He would also mismanage his meds a LOT until he finally gave them to me to manage....but a couple of times he has snuck into the meds and taken add'l ones.  No matter where I hide them, he finds them.  


Seriously considering breaking engagement. Advise Please!

Hello. This is my first time posting though I have been reading for a while. I have been engaged to a diagnosed ADHD man for 18 months and we are just under two months from the wedding date. We have been together for a total of 6 years and have lived together for the last year.

Hi, Everyone

Hi, everyone, my name is Rebecca and I believe my spouse may have ADD or ADHD.  After being married for five years (not a first marriage for either of us) I am completely at a loss to understand some of his behavior.  I feel like a tornado touches down sometimes with no warning at all.  I am exhausted and hope, by reading some of the information here, to learn some types of skills that I can use to cope with this situation.  I don't want to leave him but honestly, I can't see living another 20-30 years this way.

Is there any help at all for those who can't afford it

Hello, I'm very sorry If I'm not going to be very clear -I"m disabled and it's 5.00 A.M here in Arkansas. I'm typing this after another terrible fight with my ADD husband who is snoring right now peacefully in a separate room after calling me insane, blaming all of his and his family problems on me and my disease, and threatening yet another time to cut off my medication and not pay for my basic needs, all this over a screaming fight that he started in the middle of a Walmart today for absolutely petty reason.

Unintentional description of ADHD in the paper this week


In the Fashion & Style section of the NYT there is a forum called Modern Love that offers up personal narratives and advice on marriage. Last Thursday's guest writer for the Modern Love column opined on endurance and marriage in a piece called "The Wedding Toast I'll Never Give."  She is young and I wish I could take her aside and gently introduce the subject of ADHD. The beginning of the article reads as if it it were lifted from this very forum: 
