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Feeling like you have no voice

I had been with my SO just shy of 5years, and was diagnosed with ADHD last December (we officially ended it about 2 months ago, I am in the process of moving out)

I am usually a hopeful person,and for a long time I held hope it would work. In part it was for us, and in part it was becuase we have a son together. The last two weeks have pretty much depleted any hope I had for a reconciliation down the line. 

Love Is Really All That Matters

George Vaillant, Harvard psychiatrist, directed a study from 1972 to 2004. He concluded: Love Is Really All That Matters: "It may seem obvious, but that doesn’t make it any less true: Love is key to a happy and fulfilling life. There are two pillars of happiness. One is love, the other is finding a way of coping with life that does not push love away. A man could have a successful career, money and good physical health, but without supportive, loving relationships, he wouldn't be happy."

He sucks the my joy of giving right out of me

He sucks the my joy of giving right out of me. I am a nurturer. My mother and my sisters are as well. We have been married 25 years and I have always had to ask for a massage or foot rub or for a favor and most times I can see a slight look of "oh God" in his face. When I ask him for a favor or a massage it's because I am in severe pain. That being said, the other day, he was complaining about how his knee and feet hurt. We were both a t a three day convetion and were both pretty tired and achey.

ADHD Marriage - Doomed?

I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half now, and about six months ago he was diagnosed with ADHD and placed on an Adderall regimen. He's been reluctant to talk about it, so I've only just now gotten around to researching. But now that I'm looking into it I'm finding all kinds of horror stories about partners becoming completely uninterested after marriage ends the "hyperfocus courtship," partners having emotional or sexual affairs when they meet someone new and shiny, or partners ignoring the children.

Random Babble - Nervous Chatter

I am sick of all the random babble and nervous chatter from my H.  Not only is it constant, but often he'll slow his speech to a crawl-pace.  If I get impatient and finish his sentence or guess the question and answer it, he'll get mad and say, "let me talk," or he'll sometimes be dishonest and say, "that's not what I was going to say,"  ( I know when he's being dishonest because he'll twist what he claims that he was going to say into something non-sensical, just so that he can complain that I wrongly finished his sentence or answered his Q before he finished.

When Is Enough Enough?

I will try to keep this as brief as possible, as I think most of you who have become desperate enough to post personal information about your ADHD spouse on the internet can relate without excessive background information. And in no way do I intend that as an insult. I have come here because I have nowhere else and no one else to go. I am literally considering divorce. I am a very strong Christian woman, so this is almost embarrassing for me to type those words.

ADHD, Narcissism, PTSD, Depression, Co-Morbidity, and many other labels

I no longer want to figure out the who, why, or what about how my spouse lives/behaves/responds.  I know his brain is ADHD wired.  I know that for a fact as we have a professional/clinical/medical expert diagnosis.  I know for a fact he didn't know about his ADHD until he was well over 50.  I know he has developed many ways of coping with the world - some work well - some do not.

Is there something elso going on? I am abandoing my armchair psychologist position, and letting him figure it out - if he wants to.  

What I fear: He will not want to figure it out.

Is my husband's texting with old girlfriend a symptom of ADHD??

So yesterday I came home from a work trip, having been gone a week, only to discover that my husband had been texting with an old girlfriend.  These texts were what he calls "harmless flirtations" - but I call establishing a social media relationship with an old flame.  The texts went well beyond minor flirting and into a level of intimacy and of a sexual nature that are totally inappropriate.

Any advice on how to deal with difficult subjects with ADHD partner?

Everyone was so helpful here last time I asked a question so I thought I would post again. What is your experience with either the way you, or your partner who has ADHD deals with difficult subjects, or handles arguments? 

I'm back after 4 months away...and boy do I have a doozy of a story!

So last time I wrote anything on here was March 20 when I wrote that my husband decided to go in for alcohol treatment after not going to work for 3 weeks and not telling me why. So he had 2 weeks of treatment and came home and all seemed well. He was happy and he told me he was going to work on Monday. Well Monday turned into Tuesday and then Tuesday turned into Wednesday and once again the excuses as to why he couldn't go in happened. Finally that Friday he returned to work. He tells me that night when he gets home that they are saying he is unexcused for one of the weeks he was out.
