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Not sure what to do

Typical back story of adhd relationship. I was diagnosed just over a year ago. About 8.5ish years into a marraige ravaged by undiagnosed adhd.  My wife looks at me with a mixture of hate / coldness. I am constantly being called names. Im told that i am a failure, worthless and at this point only good for a paycheck. Constant fighting, that ends with me crying because"im too emotional". Im always reminded that i personally and single handedly ruined the marraige/ her life.



I am new, I am reading the book on Marriage and ADHD. Great book and very helpful. I have ADHD and my wife and I only found out 4 years ago with 8 years together not knowing about it. Since I found out I have had two heart surgeries. This only happened after the tests for me to take meds for my ADHD. I could not take the meds until after my second operation. My wife has been through hell,with me and she is my world and I love her deeply. I never thought I would be in this position considering I hated relationships because of my ADHD.

Paranoia and anger with too much medication??

H is taking dexamphetamines under the supervision of a psychiatrist for ADD and depression. He started about 14 months ago. If he doesn't monitor how many he is taking he starts to show paranoia and  anger - which almost brought our marriage undone. He has settled down now and has been regular in taking them. The last few weeks have been busy and it appears he has been erratic in taking his medications - possibly not taking his Prozac and increasing his dexis.

what if it's not ADHD just a crummy marriage??

So I have been posting here for a long time and reading all the post for a long time and I am starting to wonder if DHs ADHD is not the issue, we just have a crummy marriage that has run its course.  It's been 20 years.  Maybe that's all we have in us.  I just don't know what to say or do any more.  DH comes and goes as he pleases, sometimes tells me when he is coming home, sometimes not.  Today he was supposed to be home by 4:30 and instead walked in at 7:45, but only because he had taken his car to have a recall fixed.  So how do I get mad at that??

Psychiatrist wants DH to stop Ritalin

My DH has had a diagnosis of ADHD for a few years now, and I've read Melissa's book and have followed here for a while, but this is my first post. I am at a point where I just feel broken and really scared, and I just can't stop going over this in my head. DH has been on a low dose of ritalin for a year or so, along with a low dose of celexa, all prescribed by our family doctor. It helps some, but we still have a lot of problems and our marriage is on the verge of being over, despite the fact that we really do love each other.

Help... Does he have ADD?

I have been with my boyfriend for four years. He is 44. He has openly spoke about having ADD and he has the symptoms. Having said that I feel like it may be something more. He is always stressed. He has the worst explosive road rage I've ever seen. He blurts out horrible mean things to the point where I'm usually shocked and taken aback by what he says. He collects papers, post its and clutter. His house has become what looks like a "hoarders" place. He can't even live there anymore and essentially has in with me.

Job problems

doea anyone else's spouse have trouble with work? My husband recently left working with family to pursue a better paying job he was quite capable of that he did in the past, wound up having serious issues working from home now... And since has had zero ambition to search for a job... He doesnt look online, doesn't go into town, doesnt utilize family connections... He just sits home with our dog and watches youtube videos all day... History stuff, conspiracy theories, online shows, etc. He just gets really defensive when i ask him what he did all day...

I think my boyfriend may be ADHD

Hi everyone, I am new to this, and I am trying to find answers regarding my boyfriend's behavior and emotions.  We have been together 10 years, and at first he was too good to be true.  I had recently come out of an emotionally abusive 12 year marriage to a sex addict who was a compulsive liar, so after the divorce, i tried to find someone who was the polar opposite of him.  Now i am living with a whole set of other problems that seem to be escalating with each year...Instead of lying and cheating like my ex-H, my BF is angry pretty much all of the time, he HATES authority figures, delights

Tell me lies......

I know he's lying about little unimportant things he thinks don't matter. He makes plans and forgets to tell me and then pretends he's just made them. Why not just say "forgot to say I'm doing x tonight" Drives me mental and I don't appreciate being made to feel like I'm going mad when I ask why he's behaving strangely, which of course is yet another lie!!!! Gah. I know I'm not going mad and I know when I'm being lied to. I know this is a symptom. I've asked him why he's behaving sketchy and he just denies it. We've been together 13 years, I know when he's telling porkies.

ADHD in a non-ADHD world

Iv'e been doing research and lurking these forums for months. What better way to hear the unspoken truth about ADHD? The suffering of so many people makes the reality painfully obvious. There is no happy ending with ADHD. It's almost impossible for someone with ADHD to be successful, life is always a struggle, in almost everything. Basic living is hell. What kind of life is that, for anyone to live, or associate with? It isn't happy for anyone.
