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Nagging Wife with an ADHD Bipolar Husband

I don’t know if I am writing this for advice or for someone to share my pain…….I simply can’t see my future anymore.  I so crave happily ever after and for so many years have just lived day to day, hour to hour.  I wish I had a magic wand to fix it all ….

I am married for over 10 years to an ADHD Biopolar man.  My hubby found out 3 years ago.  I would like to give you a brief history and seek your advice.  Truthfully I am trying to answer the following questions and hope that your experience can guide me:

Do I stay with my husband for my child to be happy?

Partner is driving me to despair...

My partner is an adult in her 40's and has diagnosed ADHD.

She is on meds (ritalin generic) and wants to have a baby. I have to do most of the housework as she either can't concentrate, sees it as beneath her or is just lazy, the effect is the same though, I have to do it. . I despair at the thought of all the work that having a baby entails knowing that she will probably do less and I will have to do most of it.

She is hugely argumentative and drinks far too much. I am thinking that if she shouts any more and points her finger at me I will say enough, you're dumped.

Adderall and rage

I have been dating an ADHD guy for 6 months. He was diagnosed 6 years ago, in his late 20s. Since then he took Ritalin from time to time, like when he has an interview, etc. A month ago, he started Adderall, at 10mg a day, but he only took it on “as needed” basis (not the doctor’s order) – i.e. whenever he needs to give a presentation at work. On the days that he does need to give a presentation, he usually stays up all night to prepare, pops a pill in the morning then during lunch.

Tips/Advice? ADHD Processing by Thinking Out Loud?



I am new here and this is my first post. I am the non-ADHD partner. My partner of one year is not diagnosed (and he has an aversion to most things in the realm of psychology that involves a diagnosis) but I have suspected for some time he has ADD. I am hoping that I might be able to get some insight by posting some information about our current situation as many of the posts I have read here have been really helpful and have felt like they are hitting really close to home.



Recently, I asked my husband if it appears to him that I move like lightning.  Meaning, is he ever in awe of how fast I take care of things, how fast I can clean a bathroom, how I can go to the grocery store and back in less than an hour with food for the week purchased? (not just a gallon of milk).  And he said YES!  This is not a hateful slam on was just really nice to see that he sees me.  I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for him to not be able to do that.  I am really working on understanding it from his side.

I hate my self now.

We have come to a point (40 years of marriage) where we cannot talk to each other any more. I can barely look at him anymore. I look at him and see all the times he ignored me and hurt my feelings and manipulated me...maybe it was all unintentional but it still affects a person to be so un-valued and demeaned.  It is said we should NOT take other people's actions or even words personally.  I tried to do that on a daily basis for 40 years.  You know what happens when you stuff your real feelings and think you are strong enough to rationalize in neglectful, hurtful situations?

A difficult afternoon at home

I went home mid afternoon and had my first run in with the angry insulting and belittling wife I thought miraculously went away since I started treatment. In the middle of a very busy day she called to say that she was feeling overwhelmed and needed my support at home. So I wriggled out of some nonessential work tasks and went home. I did say that there was still some office work that needed to be done and asked her to be tolerant of phone calls, emails and other sudden needs to do work.

Some issues

My spouse of 12 yrs ( known for 14 though) has ADHD.  He has that and Bipolar II and OCD.  Yes quite a powerful mix. I am not unscathed though I have Bipolar type A or I.  I seem to deal much easier with my illness, when he struggles even with medication.    Now on the whole he is nice guy, intelligent guy and he treats me well for the most part.

His car seems more important than us...

Hi everyone this is my first post here and I am seriously soooo excited to be here. I've been reading a lot of people's posts and oh my can I relate! My hubby was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and now years later I think it still really affects him. We've been married for almost 2 years with a 10 month old  and I am so about ready to throw in the towel. One of the main issues is money and his stupid, STUPID car..
