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acceptance vs giving up/resigned

So I have been talking with my counselor a BUNCH lately about the idea of acceptance.  After 20 years of being the responsible one while ADHD hubby gets to do pretty much whatever pleases him at the moment, I am negative and spent and exhausted-like many of us are.  But we cannot afford a divorce and we have two kids.  Right now my plan is to suck it up until the now 8th grader graduates from high school and then RUN as fast as I can.  In the meantime, my counselor has me working on getting to a place of acceptance.  I know this is best for me.

The trap of Mothering and enabling....

How many of us started off just wanting to love our spouses unconditionally? This is a good thing, but, I just didn't know all the different faces of Love...Nor did I know how to recognize fake spirits that showed pleasing attributes, and influenced me to say it's Love. My perception, was skewed because of my own neediness, and my own spiritual immaturity. 

extreme anger /behavior from non-ADHD spouse

Hello everyone, I am relatively new to this forum and definitely relatively newly accepting of the fact I have ADHD. To make a long story short I have been married for 15 years. Only in the last year or so have I accepted the ADHD tag and tried to do something about it. And for the first few months my efforts were pretty half hearted. I am now taking drugs...So my wife has been dealing with this for a while and had built up a lot of resentment and anger towards me. We have our first child now and he is an infant still.

Always assumes the worst...

My boyfriend is on medication for ADHD...has been for years, so I knew he carried the diagnosis before we began dating.  I didn't, however, realize that it would have such an affect on me and our relationship.  Or I guess that's one reason I'm see IF that is a reason for the struggles we face, or if the two things are completely unrelated.

Only one trying to save my marriage

I am a non-ADHD spouse married to an ADHD man, we have had our share of issues but I am wondering how I can better keep the peace. I am currently a graduate student & mother to 3 under 7yrs old. My husband feels no need to help lessen the load on me and it seems as if his interest is everything but our household.

Only one trying to save my marriage

I am a non-ADHD spouse married to an ADHD man, we have had our share of issues but I am wondering how I can better keep the peace. I am currently a graduate student & mother to 3 under 7yrs old. My husband feels no need to help lessen the load on me and it seems as if his interest is everything but our household.

Father Daughter relationships

"Most women subconsciously gravitate towards men who accord her the same level – or lack – of value and empathy our fathers did. So if your father neglected to let you know how special and valuable you are, you may attract similar relationships with men in your adult life, unaware that you deserve better."  Psychologist Dr Linda Nielsen

I was moved to write this:


"The tears mean something", he said.

"Oh, they are nothing.  I had a good childhood."

Today It Starts Because I Discovered my Own Key

The key is Flow Charts.  I had an epiphany last night.  It came to me in the most convoluted way imaginable but only to say it came to me.  It is my key to getting things done and I already know that it will work before I even try.  I know this because of how I think, how I see things, how I process information, how I write and think and do everything that I do.  It answers why I am so bad at one thing and turn around do the same but different thing as well and in some cases better than everyone else.  It's how I got through school as well as I did.  It's how I do art and sports as well as

why have i only realized this now???

My husband has been telling me over the last two years that there is something not quite right with me. why is it i tell him i hear what he is saying to me and that i am listening but nothing changes? my behavior and attitude stay the same and his frustration mounts. is it that i dont care? is it that i think i am always right and hes always wrong? is that i just dont care? why is it i clam up every time he brings up a difficult topic esp those which have me as the main topic. why is it that i say i will change and will do things differently, but i dont.

Help anyone?

Hi. I am new in this page. And i am soooo glad that i saw this. Please guys help me. But please don't judge coz my story is really a bit weird. But your posts really help me alot.  I just really wanna help this man who is very special to me. 

I am mary, and i have a boyfriend who has ADHD. We are in a LONG distance relationship. I am 21 and he is 17. He admitted when we were still bestfriends that he has ADHD. He said he is hard on focusing. He had anger issues before which he said was now over. And i can see that. 
