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ADHD husband obsesses with expensive youth sports but unemployed and house projects piled up

I am at my wits end.  My ADHD husband spends so much  time on youth hockey for our kids that is has impacted the ability for our family to function in a productive manner.   This has been going on for  almost 25 years.  First, we cannot afford it as he has been in and out if work since we married 20 yeArs ago.   Second, he refuses to pull our kids out of hockey even though it has push us deeper into debt.

ADHD, bandwagons and being easily influenced?

Still trying to understand my now ex's  'ways' so I hope you don't mind another question.

It always seemed to me that my ex never had an original thought of his own, he always seemed to be heavily influenced by others, or whatever bandwagon was passing at the time he could jump aboard onto.

Everything from small trivial everyday stuff right up to big stuff like wanting to emigrate because a work mate moved.

ADHD / Cortisol Levels (reaction to stress)


Hey all.  Check this out.  I found it interesting and made sense to me and my previous decisions and actions as an adolescent and adult!!  (ps.  I was in the National Guard and deployed for a yr in 09.) and (there was a major devistating lost of our son last year) and (I just took that massive 'head' test and my doc was extremely shocked how low...wayyy lower than average my PTSD level was.)  With all the mentioned and ugly childhood.

It'll make sense once you read it.  I hope it might give some insight into your lives..

The Dark Void is Pulling me in....

Thank g that I have cats, for now:  or I don't know if I would or could have gotten outta bed right now.  Now the battle of actually..packing and finishing a lot!!  I'm beginning to feel spaced...zoning out on the near by Fetzima pamplet...feeling that void that comes right before I retreat.  ...Ahhh Shit...I have it..the felling of light yet weighted null of existance.

Do ADHD father's angry outbursts affect children?

I'm interested in hearing from anyone but especially people with teenagers or older children on how/if an ADHD father's low frustration tolerance and angry outbursts have affected their children. I have two young ADHD children and wonder if seeing their father's reactions will affect them in the long run. I think the children need patience and calm voices which my husband with untreated ADHD has trouble providing sometimes. Husband's sudden outbursts can be about anything from other drivers, long lines, people/cars moving slowly, spilled water/food, etc.


Here is a difference between an ADDer who is trying and and ADDer who is not trying:

"There’s a difference between someone who treats you like a priority and someone who treats you as an option."

Someone who cares about you communicates honestly and sincerely even though he makes mistakes.  We all need to come clean about our mistakes.

Frustrated and slowly approaching my last straw...

Im the one with ADHD in the relationship. Or the one that has been diagnosed anyway. Im writing here because I have nowhere else to turn without being judged. I'm tired of wanting to say something and not doing it out of fear of starting an argument. If there is one thing I just cannot handle in this world, its my loved ones not speaking to me and being angry at me. For example tonight my bf gets home from work and asks me what I did today.

Why am I so sad when I know it's bad?!

My partner of almost 18 years now, is chomping at the bit to leave. He wanted to leave then agreed to stay to help support our daughter then changed his mind again. Now, when our lease is up soon, he will be off. He 100% has ADHD but was only unofficially diagnosed when our daughter was officially diagnosed. It was recommended that he go through the diagnostic process himself to make it official but he never did and has remained in denial ever since. He reckons he's fine and it's everyone else that has the problems.

Victim, Persecutor, Rescuer Triangle

I ran across this website by Lynne Forrest the other day and when I read her descriptions of this psych- model it really was enlightening. ( I had one of those "Holy Shit!" this is good stuff moments )  I'm not endorsing anyone here or trying to make recommendations to anyone.....or assuming that this will be helpful or not for anyone else. (I found the sight randomly when I was searching for some things I was curious about)....but what I got out of it really helped answer a lot of questions ( or understand better?
