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Can someone explain hyperfocus?

So on this forum I have heard the term, "hyperfocus" regarding how romantic adhd partners can be at the start of a relationship. Does this mean that their romantic acts are not fueled by actual love but by there Adhd? Or are they in love when they are romantic but their adhd just makes them show it more? What makes this different than your typical relationship "honeymoon" stage and "comfortable" stage. Every relationship has a honeymoon stage at first and then people get comfortable.

Happy 4 year Anniversary

Tomorrow will be our 4 year anniversary. I never dreamed we would be spending it apart and under these conditions. No matter what has happened and how far apart we are, I am still completely in love with my wife and only want her to be happy and to find some help to get through some of her own issues. I pray for her and our daughter every day and hope that one day she can come to realize how deeply I will always love her. Tomorrow will be a hard day...

3 years and the same fights..;.need help on this one please...very confuse...

It's been 3 years with my spouse and the fights are about the same things over and over again.Things would be fine for a few weeks sometime a month not even and then he would do something most of the time to start fights,example:he has these constant mood swings,i guess the fights is about me not living with him and his acceptance towards this could never change to the fact that i work from home, raise my kids from home and so on.It's been like this for the most part of our relationship and he can't accept this at all.When we have an argument he would text me the same things over and over a

Would you go back in time and Break up with your Adhd man?

so I have been reading a lot of these posts and it seems kind of depressing and hopeless. Probably because I am in the Anger and Frustration Forum. But still, it seems like there are a lot of people in a lot of pain because they are with an adhd partner. I have a question. If you were to go back in time, would you break up with ur adhd spouse when they were just your bf. Why? If not, why not? I am a twenty year old woman who has been dating an adhd man for over 2 years. I love him but I would be lying if I said we didn't have more problems than the average couple. We do.

I'm Leaving this Site

So, if by some strange chance anyone reads this I just want to say that I am very disappointed with this site.  I have posted two topics that I could really use advice on and I have gotten zero response..zilch..nada. I feel like I am talking to empty space. I thought this site would help but its not. If i had more experience in this area i would reply to each and every topic, but i don't. I just need help as a young girl new to dealing with an adhd partner. I thought people here who had marriage and or counseling experience would help. But instead I get no replies. This is useless.

So, when is it too much?

So my bf of 2 and a half years has adhd. We have had some problems involving relationship intensity. Additionally he goes through things like anxiety, depression, and distraction that he says is because adhd. other than that though i can see myself possibly marrying this guy one day. the only thing is, when is blaming problems on adhd too much? what should be the line that i draw concerning unacceptable behavior with or without adhd? and also, is it ever okay to break up with someone because they have adhd?

ADHD partner emotionally cheated now wants time apart to figure things out

Me (28 year old female) and my partner (27 year old female) have been together for 6 years. She got diagnosed with ADD a few months ago and began medicine. A little background on us. As soon as we moved in together it was clear that something was different, she wasn't able to concentrate, get things done around the house and i pretty much was left to handle all the house hold duties. Me being a full time student and her working full time, I tried not to complain so much since I had a little more free time than her.

Newly married and huge doubts

Me and my ADHD spouse have been married only a few months. He is currently taking medications for his ADHD and something to control his anger. We have had issues with ADHD before we got married and I had my doubts them too.  We fight all the time and though I wasn't the most mature, calm fighter in the beginning, I have improved. He is just plain rude. He tells me I'm lazy (I'm really not), he's called me names a husband shouldn't call his wife. Though he's never touched me, he tries to get me scared if him and I am when we fight. He blows up over the smallest things.

My Boyfriend has ADHD HELP!!

Hey so my boyfriend of 2 and a half years has Adhd. At first I didn't think it was a big deal and in all honesty I just thought it meant he just had a little more energy than most people. However, now certain things about his adhd really get to me and I don't know how to feel about them.  For example, he seems to have no filter.  He says whatever is on his mind and sometimes things he says can be hurtful. He's not a hurtful person but he just tells me things that most bf's wouldn't tell gf's.

Going back to what's familiar even if not healthy?

I'd love some input from those with ADHD and those who have long-term experience living with someone with ADHD. 

Is it a "common" coping mechanism or reaction to being overwhelmed to give up on something you really, truly want and go back to or stay in a situation that makes you unhappy because it's familiar and easier to handle?  In the bad situation there really isn't a risk of failure because it's already a mess, but in the new situation there is a big risk of failure.
