Recent forum posts (all topics)

Issue of leaving cabinet doors open and shoes in the way

I just happened upon this forum since I was searching the internet to find out why I leave the kitchen cabinet doors open whenever I cook.  I also jump out of my shoes when I come into the kitchen.  I do not have ADHD at all.  I know what ADHD is because my son has it.  I am not forgetful.  I am not a daydreamer.  I do not lose things.  I do not have any of the classic symptoms of ADHD and no one would ever suspect that it is something I have.

Do people with ADHD feel sad?

I have been dating this guy with ADHD for about a year and half now... 

it's been like a roller coaster... and at some point, he made me believe I am the one who needs therapy, I am the one who is needy, I am the one who blames everything on him.

We have been apart for the past several months, and we agreed there was no chance for this relationship if long distance. 

So, I landed a job and was about to move there, across the continent. 

possible cause for this behavior?

I physically pay most of the family's bills but I ask my husband for (and usually receive) payment from him for his share of joint bills (mostly our daughters' expenses).  Right now, we're living separately, at my request.  

As usual, I had told my husband several weeks in advance how much he would owe me for joint bills for September.  I reminded him a few times.  He assured me he would pay in a timely fashion.

Poor communication dynamics with each other

Not once in 20 years has my ADD dh asked, "How are you feeling? or What are you feeling?" I would really appreciate some feedback on how I can or should not approach the spouse with ADD regarding feedback.

My communication difficulties with my husband has been the same for the last twenty years. I will recommend things that are important for the two of us or our two boys but it will fall into the ether -- but if someone else says the same thing, it's pure gold and the TRUTH and has to be acted on right away.

Scared of how angry I am at my husband; need a true success story

I am brand new to all of this and I feel most days like I am losing my mind.  I'll tell you about how I met my husband and where we are now.  After reading these blogs for a couple of weeks, I am not sure how you all will respond, but I need help.

Help for my baby

Help I have a one year old daughter and an ex partner who suffers with undiagnosed ADHD. He is creating chaos around my parenting experience. He fails to communicate clearly, misses arranged visits with no notice I only find out when he is late an text to ask where he is to be met with the response that he wasn't supposed to come that day. He is oppositional prone to violent and aggressive outbreaks and has been threatening me and bullying me continuously.
