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ADHD marriage is a losing game

You believe you have been picked for a team of two, with potential for new team members to come on board. It is exciting and makes you very happy. You anticipate running down the field, passing the ball between you, dodging tackles, swerving rough patches, pushing through the pain barrier, side by side. You pass the ball, but instead of the ball being passed back in a steady rhythm, it is dropped. Every single time. So you go back and pick it up and try and pass it again with the same result. Very occasionally it is picked up. You cheer, you jump for joy, you think it is a happy new start.

How, why or when to discuss your ADD marriage problems with the kids


After asking for a separation from my husband of 18 years (yes, things had gotten that bad), and after 2 -3 months of marriage counseling, my husband was diagnosed with ADD.  The diagnosis really helped explain a lot of things (my feelings of complete lack of connection with my husband, my feelings of doing everything within the marriage, our pathetic sex life, my husband's complete surprise that there was a problem...) and, to a large extent, we follow the patterns in the books a bit too perfectly  (except we did not argue much).  My husband has since started on medication, but its been to

Running away

My probably-ADHD bf (we both think he has ADHD but he has not been evaluated) is having a breakdown. He is withdrawing and running away, which is his usual reaction when he gets overwhelmed, but this time it's pretty extreme. He is "driving west" for an undetermined amount of time!

What do you do when you can't rely on your spouse?

I've been asking myself this for years (even before we knew he had ADHD), but I go through periods when I am obsessed with it, and now is one of them. I try to find advice to single moms, because I figure I am almost (but not entirely) like one. I search for every possible way I can set my life up so that when I get sick or super busy/stressed, I can have everything under control without having to turn to my husband for help, because he won't be there for me.

Wife says ADHD is garbage

Hi all. I am new to the forum. It has been 1 1/2 years since my now 16 year old son was diagnosed and about a year for me. Still going through the "oh, so that's why..." of the things in my past. And of course, my wife of 20 years and I are room mates. We have our son, 16 and daughter 20 living at home. Both professionally employed and both kids in school.
