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Excuses! There is a reason for everything...

With my ADHD husband, there is a reason for everything.  Every inaction or thoughtless action is well defended or responsibility deftly deflected with a series of reasons, explanations, or "facts", presenting him in the most favorable and well meaning way possible.  He is very intelligent, and I think he is subconsciously extraordinarily manipulative in avoiding unpleasant or unrewarding tasks and would rather argue with me for hours making both of us miserable than face those tasks.

Finding a therapist and getting medication - LA area


Does anyone have any good recommendations for a therapist in the LA area for couple's therapy and adhd marriages?  My husband and I are recently separated after only 5 months of marriage and I am desperate to get some help.  He has ADHD and major avoidance/anxiety/denial issues.  Our current therapist doesn't quite feel right even though my husband seems to think she's fine.  I, on the other hand, feel like she hasn't really given us many concrete and practical tools to address our issues and she doesn't really seem all that present.

Not just ADD/ADHD

I have a friend with diagnosed ADHD.  She is honest, sincere, contemplative, curious about life.  She tells it like it is and accepts and is open with the fact that her mind works differently. I usually don't SEE it in her but she tells me how she compensates. She takes care of herself, finding her joy and being productive. She is open in saying that she does not want anyone to have to depend on her and she doesn't want to be in a position where she must depend on someone else. I know that she may one day stop communication because her life goes in different directions at whim.

I'm Never His First Choice...

Hi, I'm new here. I have ADHD myself but find that I relate more to the non-ADHD partners here because I've had my diagnosis for about 10 yrs now & I have been taking the full-on treatment approach for that whole time, so I have learned many ways of compensating for a lot of the challenges the conditions throws out there. Not all, but a lot. :) Anyway, my BF of 2 yrs is just newly diagnosed & is not even on medication yet. (At least he's seen the dr & is willing to get help).

Anyone else struggle with raging jealousy and ADHD?

My boyfriend is at a metal concert I opted out of because I have been experiencing uncontrollable anger and depression for the past two days.  He just texted me and told me that he just crowd surfed twice.  Now, I'm not big into metal (I listen to the stuff my parents grew up with), and I'm too square and white bread to really even be into crowd surfing.  But the fact that he got to do something I didn't makes me crazy furious.  And it didn't used to be this way... but now I am jealous of EVERYTHING.

He Keeps Blaming Me

So my DH admits that he likely has adult ADHD, but says that meds will suck the life and personality out of him.  Yet, he'll self-medicate with pot...which I believe leads to withdrawal symptoms. Plus, it's illegal and he promised to quit when we started dating 4-5 yrs ago. I'm not comfortable with it....and now he does it behind my back.
