Recent forum posts (all topics)

I can only guess

DH seems to be OK with just a hello and goodbye relationship if I weren't trying to get his attention some good and bad ways.  When we talk, it feels like I have to help him get words out. All his responses are thought out for a LONG time (me waiting to hear what he is going to say). I am left with the wondering, Have we done this suspecting/frustration/hurt dance I do to his concealing/diverting/dismissing routine for such a long time that we get deeper and deeper in our negative expectations of each other and it gets worse and worse?

Separating financial matters


I am fortunate that family members have helped me financially, especially in the years since my husband lost jobs and did not seek out new employment.  I currently am feeling secure enough to want to invest some of this money instead of having it in a very safe (read "almost zero interest") account.  My husband and I have some shared investments and so the logical thing would be to go to the broker who oversees those investments and ask him to oversee my separate money, as well.

Breaking Mindless Habit Which Upsets Husband

Hi all,

I have to post quickly and then do my nightly routine of lunches, clutter fun, and school work.

This is going to sound ridiculous:  I am a lifelong stomper.  By this, I mean that in spite of the fact I am a normal-sized person, I have been known to "walk like a herd of elephants," to quote my mom when I was a teenager.  I don't mean I am having an adult tantrum.  I mean that for whatever reason the way my foot strikes the ground is loud; it's my gait (no, I am not like Quasimodo).

Blame and False accusations

Hi Everyone

I am new to this site and this is my first participation.  I want to start by saying a huge big thank you.  After reading some of your stories I feel less alone and more sane!!!!  I am sure that most of you have felt, like me, that you are loosing your mind and that there must be something terribly wrong with you.  My adhd man can be so convincing and manipulative at times that in the 11 yrs we have been together i have questioned myself and my own values and sanity.


A Good Talk...

So, I've just been doing my thing lately...  A lot of the nice, simple, thoughtful sort of stuff we've been talking about in other threads, that you non-ADHDers keep asking for.  I've been trying to focus less on making her happy, and more on doing them simply because they're good things to do and I can do them.

Anyway, in a lot of my recent posts I've complained about my wife's resistance.  She hasn't bothered to learn anything about ADHD, she doesn't want to talk about it at all, she withdraws, she picks fight over insignificant things, and so on.  But...

Physical ramifications of living with ADHD spouse

I have been married for 28 years and only after seeing the Today Show piece on having a spouse with ADHD did it click with what was going on in my marriage. My husband is kind and well-loved by everyone but me. Living with him and managing him, his mouth, his inability to be on time, manage our finances, have anything but a parallel conversation, and generally fulfill his role as a partner has, in my opinion, ruined my health.

How do I take care of nuts and bolts things with my ADDer?

I left my husband and moved in with married daughter after years of saying I would do that if he didn't change (get a job, help with housework, etc.) He wouldn't leave, said he has as much right to be in the house as I do. My daughter is a divorce attorney and she backed him up on that score and said I could live with her family.

how to communicate

ADHD spouse is at parents' house for long weekend.  He has been going almost every week for a year; he helps them out.  I have expressed my desire for spouse to communicate with me periodically while he is gone.  Occasionally, he does.  This weekend, Thursday to today, one communication; he sent me a picture of the beets he cooked for his parents for supper.
