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How Do You Disengage Yet Be Supportive?

I hit a wall with my ADHD hubby this morning. I know it's just a temporary setback but its so easy to get bent out of shape.

He started back to college yesterday and I'm super proud of him. I've helped him along the way (filing financial aid, doing the paperwork, helping with registration, etc.) and he has said that he was very appreciative of my help and couldn't have done it without me. He's been to school before and got decent grades, but tardiness was an issue. He's without meds right now and I meant to make an appointment with his doctor last week, but I forgot to.

Non ADHD boyfriend just broken up. How to move on? Help please!

I must say it was a relief to find all the information about ADHD relationships in forums and blogs online. Finally, many bits and pieces have fallen in place and now I think I might understand what just happened in my relationship that ended abruptly about one month ago.


Poem to my husband from ADHD wife

The need to express my feelings & actions have  now become quite clear,
I feel like I'm behind the wheel of a car that just will not steer,
My mind runs like a motor that refuses to stop or to slow down, 
My foot remains on the pedal that is pushed closely to the ground,
Not sure why I cannot control all of these traits that seem to drive you mad,
I continue to try to compensate for all of the instances I've made you sad,
Placing the blame on you all of the time has never been my intention,

question about ADHD spouse's behavior

My husband regularly points out to the rest of the family when they're wrong about some fact.  Typically, he'll disagree with what the person said and then whip out his phone to check the Internet and prove his point. Is this "I have to be right" or "I don't know when I'm acting superior" (or both)?

ADHD husband is upset for everything....

I have come a long way with my ADHD husband,things have been very very hard with him where I have been experiencing hair loss and itchy skin as a result of ALL the stress he has been putting me through.

some people would ask"then why don't you LEAVE him"and I would be lost for words as to why I can't leave this man.Maybe I am scared of being alone and without the man I love,but then again after the fact I am being abused in every which way possible.

Speaking of medication roulette

Here we go again...

DH started Concerta in Oct Dec I was ready to leave. It made him extremely irritable and hostile. I don't know how else to describe it other than it made him defensive and took away his willingness to accept any fault for our problems and he also stopped saying "I'm sorry" when he really needed to.

Adrenal Exhaustion From ADD/PA Behavior On Non ADD Spouse

I'm new to this forum and have gleaned a LOT of helpful information as to how to help myself develop a healthy direction towards healing.  It's a relief to relate to people with similar if not exact situations as mine.  I'm a 47 year old woman recently diagnosed with late stage adrenal exhaustion that I have come to realize is effected by my relationship with my husband of 22 yrs of marriage.  Our relationship started 5 yrs prior to marriage so all in all we've been with each other for 27, basically half our lives!  (He) was diagnosed and was given meds for ADD one year ago and this is when

When Both Spouses have ADHD

I see that there are a lot of spouse on here that are either married to an ADHD partner or they are the one that has ADHD and are married to a non-ADHD partner.  What about when you both partners in the marriage that have ADHD.  I never knew I had ADHD for years I was diagnosed with anxiety, depression, ocd.  I took meds they never worked, oh they made some things better but the underlying ADHD was never diagnosed.  The problem was that whem most people think of ADHD, they think of hyper off the wall kids who are in trouble all the time not me.

Why won't ADDers ever do anything when you ask them to?

I've lived with my ADD husband for the past seven years. My daughter and grandson both have ADD (no biological relationship to my husband), and I've notice this phenomenon. I know we aren't supposed to generalize but I can't help it. Why can't you do anything when we ask?


I've spent the last week in bed.  I'm beginning to feel ADD is catching.  I have no energy left to help myself or my husband.  And no motivation at all.  The house is a mess, of course, so I get up for half and hour at a time to try to clean up, put things away etc.  Marriage counselling is useless if not harmful; she tries to make him feel guilty as a "motivater" to make him more responsible, even thought I've said that it doesn't work that way.  No anger left, just indifference.  At 70, I'm too old to start over.  Don't know what to do. 
